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Joan Kahn Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 29 references in this bibliography folder.

Kahn, J, Garcia-Manglano, J, and Goldscheider, F (2016).
Race, Family Status, and Young Women's Residential and Financial Dependency 1970 to 2010
Journal of Family Issues:TBD: epub ahead of print.

Kahn, J, Garcia-Manglano, J, and Bianchi, S (2014).
The motherhood penalty at midlife: The long-term impact of birth-timing on women's careers
Journal of Marriage and Family, 76:56-72.

Kahn, J, Goldscheider, F, and García-Manglano, J (2013).
Changing Parental Power in Parent–Adult Child Households: A Bi-Generational View of Coresidence in the US, 1960–2010
Demography, 50(4):1449-1475.

Kahn, J, McGill, B, and Bianchi, S (2011).
Help to Family and Friends: Are There Gender Differences at Older Ages?
Journal of Marriage and Family, 73(1):77-92.

Kahn, J (2007).
Age-Sex Structure and Population Pyramids
In: Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, ed. by George Ritzer, vol. 10, Blackwell.

Kahn, J and Pearlin, L (2006).
Financial Strains and Health Across the Life Course
Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 47(1):17-31.

Kahn, J and Fazio, EM (2005).
Economic Status ove the Life Course and Racial Disparities in Health
In: , vol. 60, pp. S76-S84.

Livinston, G and Kahn, JR (2002).
An American Dream Unfulfilled: The Limited Mobility of Mexican Americans
Social Science Quarterly, 83(4):1003-1013.

Bianchi, S, Subaiya, L, and Kahn, J (1999).
The Gender Gap in the Economic Well-being of Non-resident Fathers and Custodial Mothers
Demography, 36(2):195-203.

Kahn, JR (1999).
Review of "Fathers Under Fire: The Revolution in Child Support Enforcement"
Miscellaneous publication.

Kahn, J and Whittington, L (1996).
The labor supply of Latinas in the U.S.A.: Comparing labor force participation, wages and hours worked with Anglo and Black women
Population Research and Population Review, 15:45-73.

Kahn, JR and Whittington, LA (1996).
The Impact of Ethnicity, Immigration, and Family Structure on the Labor Supply of Latinas in the U S
Population Research and Population Review, 15:45-73.

Kahn, JR and Berkowitz, R (1995).
Sources of Support for Young Latino Mothers
, Washington, D C.

Kahn, JR, Clary, N, and Kang, YC (1995).
Profile of Maryland Women: 1980-1990
, Baltimore, MD.

Kahn, JR (1994).
Immigrant and Native Fertility During the 1980s: Adaptation and Expectations for the Future
International Migration Review, 28(3):501-519.

Kahn, JR and Whittington, LA (1994).
The Transition to Parenthood in Puerto Rico: Occupational Status and the Timing of First Births
Population Research and Population Review, 13(2).

Kahn, JR, Yi, HY, and Blair, J (1994).
The Impact of Sample Design on Estimates of Demographic Behavior
In: .

Kahn, JR (1993).
Reply to Comment on Kahn and London
Miscellaneous publication.

Kahn, JR (1992).
Intergenerational Patterns of Teenage Fertility
Demography, 29(1):39-57.

Kahn, JR (1991).
Premarital Sex and the Risk of Divorce
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 53(4):845-855.

Kahn, JR, Rindfuss, RR, and Guilkey, DK (1990).
Adolescent Contraceptive Method Choices
Demography, 27(3):323-355.

Kahn, JR, S, T, and Gaminiratne, KH (1989).
Sociodemographic Determinants of Contraceptive Method Choice in Sri Lanka: 1975-1982
Journal of Biosocial Science, 11:21-Jan.

Mason, WM and Kahn, JR (1989).
Reply to O`Brien and Gwartney-Gibbs
Miscellaneous publication.

Kahn, JR (1988).
Immigrant Selectivity and Fertility Adaptation in the United States
Social Forces, 67(1):108-128.

Kahn, JR, Kalsbeek, WD, and Hofferth, S (1988).
National Estimates of Teenage Sexual Activity: Evaluating the Comparability of Three National Surveys
Demography, 25(2):189-204.

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