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Jie Chen Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 62 references in this bibliography folder.

Kim, T, Dagher, R, and Chen, J (2016).
Racial / Ethnic Differences in Unintended Pregnancy: Evidence from a National Sample of U.S. Women
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 50:427-435.

Langellier, B, Chen, J, Bustamente, A, Inkelas, M, and Ortega, A (2016).
Understanding Healthcare Access and Utilization Disparities among Latino Children in the United States
Journal of Child Health Care, 20(2):133-144.

Moore, M, Chen, J, Mallow, P, and Rizzo, J (2016).
The direct health-care burden of valvular heart disease: evidence from US national survey data
ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, 18(8):613-627.

Rizzo, J, Zyczynski, T, Chen, J, Mallow, P, Trudel, G, and Penrod, J (2016).
Lost Labor Productivity Costs of Prostate Cancer to Patients and Their Spouses: Evidence from United States National Survey Data
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 58:351-358.

Chen, J, Bustamante, A, and Tom, S (2015).
Health care spending and utilization by race/ethnicity under the Affordable Care Act's dependent coverage expansion
American Journal of Public Health, 105(Suppl 3):S499-S507.

Chen, J, O'Brien, M, Mennis, J, Alos, V, Grande, D, Roby, D, and Ortega, A (2015).
Latino Population Growth and Hospital Uncompensated Care Cost
American Journal of Public Health, 105:1710-1717.

Dagher, R, Chen, J, and Thomas, S (2015).
Gender Differences in Mental Health Outcomes before, during, and after the Great Recession
PLoS One, 10(5):e0124103.

Gunnarsson, C, Chen, J, Rizzo, J, Lapado, J, Naim, A, and Lofland, J (2015).
The Employee Absenteeism Costs of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Evidence From US National Survey Data
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 57(6):635-642.

Holden, C, Chen, J, and Dagher, R (2015).
Preventive Care Utilization among the Uninsured by Race/Ethnicity and Family Income
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 48(1):13-21.

Mallow, P, Chen, J, Rizzo, J, Penrod, J, Trudel, G, and Zyczynski, T (2015).
The Direct Healthcare Expenditures of Prostate Cancer by Disease Severity: Evidence from US National Survey Data
Journal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research, 3(1):122-131.

Tilert, T and Chen, J (2015).
Smoking-Cessation Advice to Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 48(6):683-693.

Voss, M and Chen, J (2015).
Health Status after Job Loss: Does the Reason for Job Change Matter?
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 57(12):1319-1324.

Bustamante, A and Chen, J (2014).
The Great Recession and Health Spending among Uninsured US Immigrants: Implications for the Affordable Care Act
Health Services Research, 49(6):1900-1924.

Chen, J, Bustamante, A, Mortensen, K, and Thomas, S (2014).
Using Quantile Regression to Examine Health Care Expenditures During the Great Recession
Health Services Research, 49(2):705-730.

Chen, J, Mortensen, K, and Bloodworth, R (2014).
Exploring Contextual Factors and Patient Activation: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Sample of Patients with Depression
Health Education & Behavior, 41(6):614-624.

King, C, Chen, J, Dagher, R, Holt, C, and Thomas, S (2014).
Decomposing Differences in Medical Care Access among Cancer Survivors by Race and Ethnicity
American Journal of Medical Quality.

King, C, Chen, J, Garza, M, and Thomas, S (2014).
Breast and Cervical Screening by Race/Ethnicity: Comparative Analyses Before and During the Great Recession
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 46(4):359-367.

Langellier, B, Chen, J, Bustamante, A, Inkelas, M, and Ortega, A (2014).
Understanding the Health Care Disadvantage of Latino Children: The Role of Observed and Unobserved Factors
Journal of Child Health Care.

Mortensen, K, Perman, C, and Chen, J (2014).
Innovative Payment Mechanisms in Maryland Hospitals: An Empirical Analysis of Readmissions under Total Patient Revenue
Health Care: The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation, 2(3):177-183.

Rizzo, J, Chen, J, Fang, H, Ziganshin, B, and Elefteriades, J (2014).
Statistical Challenges in Identifying Risk Factors for Aortic Disease
Aorta, 2(2):45-55.

Rizzo, J, Chen, J, Gunnarsson, C, Naim, A, and Lofland, J (2014).
Adjusting for Comorbidities in Cost of Illness Studies
Journal of Medical Economics, 2014 Sep 25:1-38.

Bustamante, A, Chen, J, Fang, H, Rizzo, J, and Ortega, A (2013).
Identifying Health Insurance Predictors and the Main Reported Reasons for Being Uninsured Among US Immigrants by Legal Authorization Status
International Journal of Health Planning and Management.

Chen, J (2013).
Prescription Drug Expenditures of Immigrants in the USA
Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services, 4(4):217-225.

Chen, J and Mortensen, K (2013).
The Great Recession and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Services Utilization
JAMA Internal Medicine (formerly Archives of Internal Medicine), 173(4):315-317.

Chen, J, Bustamante, A, and Ortega, A (2013).
Health Care Expenditures among Asian Americans
Medical Care Research and Review, 70(3):310-339.

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