Kerry Green Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 39 references in this bibliography folder.
Assini-Meytin, LC, Garza, MA, and Green, KM
(In press).
Teen Mothers’ Family Support and Adult Identity in the Emerging Adulthood: Implications for Socioeconomic Attainment Later in Life
Emerging Adulthood:1-12.
Pacek, L, Reboussin, B, Green, K, and et al
(In press).
Current tobacco use, nicotine dependence, and transitions across stages of alcohol involvement: A latent transition analysis approach
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 0(0).
Green, K, Chen, J, Novak, P, and Bloodworth, R
Local Health Department Activities to Reduce Emergency Department Visits for Substance Use Disorders
Journal for Healthcare Quality, 41(3):134-145.
Reboussin, B, Furr-Holden, D, Green, K, and et al
Social Influences on Drinking Trajectories From Adolescence to Young Adulthood in an Urban Minority Sample
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 80(2):186–195.
Seaman, EL, Green, K, Wang, MQ, Quinn, SC, and Fryer, C
Examining prevalence and correlates of cigarette and marijuana co-use among young adults using ten years of NHANES data
Addictive Behaviors, 96:140-147.
Assini-Meytin, L, Garza, M, and Green, K
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Teenage Fathers’ Early Risk Factors and Socioeconomic Outcomes Later in Life
Child & Youth Care Forum:1-16.
Green, K, Doherty, E, Sifat, M, and Ensminger, M
Explaining continuity in substance use: The role of criminal justice system involvement over the life course of an urban African American prospective cohort
Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
Green, K, Matson, P, Reboussin, B, and et al
Individual and Neighborhood Factors Associated with Sexual Behavior Classes in an Urban Longitudinal Sample
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association.
Ensminger, M, Fothergill, K, Doherty, E, Green, K, Robertson, J, and Juon, H
The crossover effect: The influence of social roles in an African American cohort
In: Drug Use Trajectories among Minority Youth, ed. by YF Thomas, LN Price, & AV Lybrand. , chap. , pp. 37-62.
Fothergill, K, Ensminger, M, Doherty, E, Juon, H, and Green, K
Pathways from early childhood adversity to later adult drug use and psychological distress: A prospective study of a cohort of African Americans
Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 57(2):223-239.
Green, K, Johnson, R, Milam, A, Furr-Holden, D, Ialongo, N, and Reboussin, B
Racial differences and the role of neighborhood in the sequencing of marijuana and tobacco initiation among urban youth
Substance Abuse.
Reboussin, B, Milam, A, Green, K, Ialongo, N, and Furr-Holden, C
Clustering of black adolescent marijuana use in low-income, urban neighborhoods
Journal of Urban Health.
Assini-Meytin, L and Green, K
Long-term consequences of adolescent parenthood among African-American urban youth: a propensity score matching approach
The journal of adolescent health, 56(5):529-535.
Dagher, R and Green, K
Does depression and substance abuse co-morbidity affect socioeconomic status? Evidence from a prospective study of urban African Americans
Psychiatry research, 225(1-2):115-121.
Reboussin, B, Green, K, and et al
The role of neighborhood in urban black adolescent marijuana use
Drug and alcohol dpendence, 154:69-75.
Reboussin, B, Lalongo, N, and Green, K
Influences of behavior and academic problems at school entry on marijuana use transitions during adolescence in an African-American sample
Addictive Behaviors, 41:51-57.
Crum, R, LaFlair, L, Storr, C, Green, K, Stuart, E, Alvanzo, A, Lazareck, S, Bolton, J, Robinson, J, Sareen, J, and Mojtabai, R
Reports of drinking to self-medicate anxiety symptoms: Longitudinal assessment for subgroups of individuals with alcohol dependence
Depression and Anxiety, 30(2):174-183.
Crum, R, Mojtabai, R, Lazareck, S, Bolton, J, Robinson, J, Sareen, J, Green, K, Stuart, E, LaFlair, L, Alvanzo, A, and Storr, C
A prospective assessment of reports of drinking to self-medicate mood symptoms with the incidence and persistence of alcohol dependence
JAMA Psychiatry, 70(7):718-726.
Cullen, B, LaFlair, L, Storr, C, Green, K, Alvanzo, A, Mojtabai, R, Pacek, L, and Crum, R
Association of co-morbid generalized anxiety disorder and alcohol use disorder symptoms with health-related quality of life: Results from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions
Journal of Addiction Medicine, 7(6):394-400.
Green, K, Fothergill, K, Robertson, J, Zebrak, K, Banda, D, and Ensminger, M
Early life predictors of adult depression in a community cohort of urban African Americans
Journal of Urban Health, 90(1):101-115.
LaFlair, L, Reboussin, B, Storr, C, Letourneau, E, Green, K, Mojtabai, R, Pacek, L, Alvanzo, A, Cullen, B, and Crum, R
Childhood abuse and neglect and transitions in stages of alcohol involvement among women: A latent transition analysis approach
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 132(3):491-498.
Pacek, L, Storr, C, Mojtabai, R, Green, K, La Flair, L, Alvanzo, A, Cullen, B, and Cruz, R
Co-morbid alcohol dependence and anxiety disorders: A national survey
Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 9(4).
Doherty, E, Green, K, and Ensminger, M
The impact of adolescent deviance on marital trajectories
Deviant Behavior, 33:185-206.
Doherty, E, Robertson, J, Green, K, Fothergill, K, and Ensminger, M
A longitudinal study of substance use and violent victimization in adulthood among a cohort of urban African Americans
Addiction, 107(2):339-348.
Green, K, Doherty, E, Fothergill, K, and Ensminger, M
Marriage trajectories and health risk behaviors throughout adulthood among urban African Americans
Journal of Family Issues, 33:1595-1618.
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