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Devon Payne-Sturges Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 18 references in this bibliography folder.

Ezeugoh, RI, Puett, R, Payne-Sturges, D, Cruz-Cano, R, and Wilson, SM (In press).
Air Quality Assessment of Volatile Organic Compounds Near a Concrete Block Plant and Traffic in Bladensburg, Maryland
Environmental Justice, 0(0):1-11.

Payne-Sturges, D, Scammell, M, Levy, J, and et al (2018).
Methods for Evaluating the Combined Effects of Chemical and Nonchemical Exposures for Cumulative Environmental Health Risk Assessment
International Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(12):2797.

Shenassa, E, Rossen, L, Cohen, J, Morello-Frosch, R, and Payne-Sturges, D (2016 (In Press)).
Income Inequality and U.S. Children’s Secondhand Smoke Exposure: Distinct Associations by Race-Ethnicity
Nicotine and Tobacco Research.

Boyle, M, Payne‐Sturges, D, Sangaramoorthy, T, Wilson, S, Milton, D, Nachman, K, Babik, K, Jenkins, C, Trowell, J, and Sapkota, A (2016).
Hazard Ranking Methodology for Assessing Health Impacts of Unconventional Natural Gas Development and Production: The Maryland Case Study
PLoS One, 11(1):e0145368.

Payne‐Sturges D, Korfmacher, K, Cory‐Slechta, D, Jimenez, M, Symanski, E, Carr Shmool, J, Dotson‐Newman, O, Clougherty, J, French, R, Levy, J, Laumbach, R, Rodgers, K, Bongiovanni, R, and Scammell, M (2015).
Engaging communities in research on cumulative risk and social stress-environment interactions: Lessons learned from EPA’s STAR Program
Environmental Justice, 8(6):203-212.

Yuen, T, Park, A, Seifer, S, and Payne‐Sturges, D (2015).
A Systematic Review of Community Engagement in US Environmental Protection Agency’s Extramural Research Solicitations: Implications for Research Funders
Am J Public Health, 105(12):e44-52.

Harper, S, Ruder, E, Roman, H, Geggel, A, Nweke, O, Payne-Sturges, D, and Levy, J (2013).
Using Inequality Measures to Incorporate Environmental Justice into Regulatory Solicitations: Implications for Research Funders
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 10(9):4039-4059.

Yuen, T and Payne-Sturges, D (2013).
Using Health Impact Assessment to Integrate Environmental Justice into Federal Environmental Regulatory Analysis
New Solutions, 23(3):1-28.

Alves, S, Tilghman, J, Rosenbaum, A, and Payne-Sturges, D (2012).
US EPA Authority to Use Cumulative Risk Assessments in Environmental Decision-Making
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9(6):1997-2019.

Payne-Sturges, D, Turner, A, Wignall, J, Rosembaum, A, Dederick, E, and Dantzker, H (2012).
A Review of State-Level Analytical Approaches for Evaluating Disproportionate Environmental Health Impacts
Environmental Justice, 5(4):173-187.

Muennig, P, Song, X, Payne-Sturges, D, and Gee, G (2011).
Blood and urine levels of long half-life toxicants by nativity among immigrants to the United States
Science of the Total Environment, 109(13):412-413.

Nweke, O, Payne-Sturges, D, Garcia, L, Lee, C, Zenick, H, Grevatt, P, Sanders, W, Case, H, and Dankwa-Mullan, I (2011).
Symposium on Integrating the Science of Environmental Justice in Decision Making at EPA: An Overview
American Journal of Public Health, 101(Suppl 1):519-526.

Payne-Sturges, D (2011).
Humanizing Science at the US Environmental Protection Agency
American Journal of Public Health, 101(Suppl 1):S8-12.

Gordon, L, Payne-Sturges, D, and Gee, G (2010).
Environmental Health Disparities: Select Case Studies Related to Asian and Pacific Islander Americans
Environmental Justice, 3(1):21-26.

Baron, S, Sinclair, R, Payne-Sturges, D, Phelps, J, Zenick, H, Collman, G, and O'Fallon, L (2009).
Partnerships for environmental and occupational justice: contributions to research, capacity, and public health
American Journal of Public Health, 99(Suppl 3):S5517-25.

Payne-Sturges, D, Cohen, J, Castorina, R, Axelrad, D, and Woodruff, T (2009).
Evaluating cumulative organophosphorus pesticide body burden of children: A national case study
Environ Sci Technol, 43(20):7924-30.

Payne-Sturges, D and Kemp, D (2008).
Ten Years of Addressing Children’s Health through Regulatory Policy at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Health Perspectives, 116(12):1720-1724.

Payne-Sturges, D, Burke, T, Breysse, P, Diener-West, M, and Buckley, T (2004).
Personal exposure meets risk assessment: a comparison of measured and modeled exposures and risks in an urban community
Environ Health Perspect, 112(5):589-98.

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