Seminar: Recent Trends in Cross-Border Marriage in Korea: A Focus on Spousal Dissimilarity, Marital Stability and Fertility
Doo-Sub Kim, Professor, Department of Sociology, Hanyan University
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Department of Economics Seminar: Labor/Public Finance/Development
Ram Fisherman, George Washington University
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ArcGIS 10.1 Workshop
These two afternoon workshops provide a basic introduction to ArcGIS10 software and some of its capabilities.
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Seminar Series: Jenny Trinitopoli, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Religious Studies, and Demography, Pennsylvania State University
A Moveable Feast?: The Flexibility of Fertility Preferences in a Transitioning Malawian Community
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Seminar Series: Jeffrey Groen, Research Economist, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Storms and Jobs: The Effect of Hurricanes on Individuals' Employment and Earnings Over the Long Term
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Seminar Series (RESCHEDULED): Kelly Musick, Associate Professor, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University
Parents' Time with Children and Subjective Well-Being
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Seminar Series: Audrey Pettifor, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina
HIV Prevention Among Young Women in SSA - the Role of Cash Transfers
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Panel Discussion: Understanding and Supporting Environmental Actions: From the Local to the Global
Panel: Michael Paolisso, Sacoby Wilson, and Christina Prell
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Seminar Series: Michael Bader, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, American University
Timing, Pace, and Location of Neighborhood Racial and Ethnic Change in Large Metropolises from 1970 to 2010
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Seminar Series: Sergio Urzua, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Maryland
Loans for Higher Education: Does the Dream Come True?
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