Rashawn Ray profiled by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
A member of RWJF Scholars in Health Research program
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Seminar Series : Food Insecurity and SNAP Participation Among Immigrant Families During the Economic Downturn
Heather Koball, Senior Fellow, Labor, Human Services, and Population Center, Urban Institute
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Coming Up
Seminar Series: Adolescent Experiences and Adult Neighborhood Attainment
Kris Marsh, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland
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Seminar Series: Behavioral Response to Information? Circumcision, Information, and HIV Prevention
Rebecca L. Thornton, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Michigan
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Seminar Series: Family and Neighborhood Interventions to Reduce Heart Disease Risk in East Los Angeles
Alex Ortega, Principal Investigator, Center for Population Health and Health Disparities, Professor, Department of Health Services, University of California
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Seminar Series: Micro-Ordeals and Preventative Health Products: Evidence on Short-Term Take-Up and Habit Formation
Vivian Hoffmann, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland
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Seminar Series: Net Immigration and Projections for Social Security Programs
Karen Woodrow-Lafield, Research Professor, Maryland Population Research Center, University of Maryland
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Seminar Series: Orphans in Tanzania: From childhood to adulthood
Kathleen Beegle, Senior Economist, Development Research Group, World Bank
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Seminar Series: Population, Poverty, and Climate Change
Monica Das Gupta, Research Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland
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Social Observatory Coordinating Network
Faculty Associates Sandra Hofferth and Klaus Hubacek are participating in an NSF-funded interdisciplinary effort to explore the feasibility and potential structure of a network of social observatories akin to networks in the physical sciences
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Selected Research