Cohen cited in the Wall Street Journal
According to Facebook, large metropolitan areas are the least likely places to find love
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Cohen comments on birth declines in some states
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Cohen comments on fertility drop
Business Insider story examines "pandemic baby-bust"
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Cohen comments on fertility in COVID times
Research shows that the US is facing the biggest slump in births in a century and in parts of Europe the decline is even steeper
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Cohen comments on geneology big data project
New York Times article reports on "world's largest family tree" research
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Cohen comments on incentives for child bearing
Offers alternatives to payments
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Cohen comments on the age of first-time mothers
Age at first birth linked with varying opportunities and education level
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Cohen comments on the steep decline in life expectancy in the United States
COVID-19 and unintentional injury deaths are cited as major contributors of this shift
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Cohen contests birthrate decline thesis
Challenges are real but manageable; better to focus on the well being of those who are here.
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Cohen notes a new benchmark in gender narrative
How small can a woman's wrist get before it finally disappears ?
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