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Sayer on ride hailing-services
May provide useful service for overworked parents
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Sandra Hofferth interviews Daniel Hamermesh
Comments on work-non-work balance, trends for rich-country time use, and labor market participation changes since 2000
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Fenelon comments on Baltimore population drop
Baltimore’s population declines for the fourth consecutive year
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Kearney on incentives for saving money
Saving money while winning prizes is an incentive that customers are not biting on
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Sayer’s findings important element of new report
Moms with husbands, live-in male partners are sleeping less and doing more housework than single mothers.
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Kearney comments on education effect at Fed conference
Student debt is a problem, yet benefits of a college degree are clear
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Green participates in opioid problem study
WalletHub report analyzes opioid problems by state
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Leonard organizes 37th BREAD Conference
Major networking and discussion event a cross-section of development economics leadership
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Kearney comments on income inequality for CNBC
People believing the system is rigged against them is not only damaging to Democracy but also to the functioning of the economy
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Haltiwanger-Abraham paper puts jobless rate measure in question
Job-to-job transfers have significant impact on labor market tightness measure
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