Sergio Urzua named Chilean Economist of the Year for 2022
Contributions to policy discussions in Chile recognized
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Built environment features mediate the relationship between neighborhoods' racial and ethnic composition and health outcomes
Quynh Nguyen and colleagues investigate this using Google Maps data
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Selected Research
Joint Presentation by: Sangeetha Madhavan, Kirsten Stoebenau, and Ken Leonard
Does Kinship Matter in Low Income Urban Contexts in sub-Saharan Africa?: New Findings from Nairobi, Kenya
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Coming Up
Rebecca Thornton, Baylor University
Long-Lasting Effects of Bible Translations on Literacy: Evidence from Sub-Sahara Africa
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Marcos Rangel, Duke University
First Impressions Matter: Evidence from Elementary-School Teachers
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Sam Trejo, Princeton University
My school district isn't segregated: Experimental evidence on the effect of information on parental preferences regarding school segregation
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Sonalde Desai, Department of Sociology at UMD
The Global Aspirational Class and Its Demographic Fortunes
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Corinne Low, University of Pennsylvania
Traditional Institutions in Modern Times: Dowries as Pensions When Sons Migrate
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Shareen Joshi, Georgetown University
Just Water? Environmental Jurisprudence, Water Quality and Infant Mortality in India
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Cassie McMillan, Northeastern University
New destinations, adolescent friendship, and substance use: How network revitalization informs the immigrant paradox
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