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Joint Presentation by: Sangeetha Madhavan, Kirsten Stoebenau, and Ken Leonard
Does Kinship Matter in Low Income Urban Contexts in sub-Saharan Africa?: New Findings from Nairobi, Kenya
Located in Coming Up
Corinne Low, University of Pennsylvania
Traditional Institutions in Modern Times: Dowries as Pensions When Sons Migrate
Located in Coming Up
Clare Barrington, University of North Carolina
PrEP Up!: a mixed methods study of stigma and pre-exposure prophylaxis use in Guatemala
Located in Coming Up
Shareen Joshi, Georgetown University
Just Water? Environmental Jurisprudence, Water Quality and Infant Mortality in India
Located in Coming Up
Cassie McMillan, Northeastern University
New destinations, adolescent friendship, and substance use: How network revitalization informs the immigrant paradox
Located in Coming Up
Jennifer Roberts named to EPA's CHPAC committee
Children's Health and Protection Advisory Committee appointment runs through 2026
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Environmental Systems and Occupational Health Policy Analyses to Interrupt the Impact of Structural Racism
Payne-Sturges leads multi-disciplinary research team
Located in Research / Selected Research
Payne-Sturges to lead study of structural racism effects on farmworkers
NIH $3.7 million interdisciplinary grant will focus on residential air quality, state policies and legal protections
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Cohen comments on the steep decline in life expectancy in the United States
COVID-19 and unintentional injury deaths are cited as major contributors of this shift
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13 million Facebook users weigh in on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, vaccination, and mask wearing
Quynh Nguyen and colleagues use big data from the Facebook-based U.S. COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey to identify predictors of attitudes and behaviors during the pandemic
Located in Research / Selected Research