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Abraham and Kearney examine secular decline in US employment over the past two decades
Robots and offshoring seen as important factors in decline of employment rates
Located in Research / Selected Research
Abraham comments on student loan forgiveness
Opinion piece in Politico explores alternatives to a blanket loan forgiveness program
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Abraham contributes to story on Omicron surge
Marketplace news service examines economic numbers
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Abraham on gig-economy
Ridesharing services impacting economic growth
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Abraham quotes cited by The Hill
Democrats should follow Clinton’s lead on wage hike, commentators say
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Abraham, Haltiwanger part of briefing for Treasury Secretary
Secretary Jacob J. Lew focuses not just on unemployment but on duration of unemployment.
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Abraham, Kearney map labor changes
Washington Post Wonkblog item gives detailed report on findings
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Adrienne Lucas, University of Delaware
When Information is Not Enough: Evidence from a Centralized School Choice System
Located in Coming Up
Affordable Care for All?
Faculty associate Jerome Dugan investigates the relationship between socioeconomic status, health insurance coverage, and affordable quality care
Located in Research / Selected Research
Alfonso Miranda, CIDE
Discriminating attitudes and prejudices in the Mexican labour market: Evidence from experimental vignettes
Located in Coming Up