Change in Elderly Living Arrangements in Rural South Africa, 2000-2010
Sangeetha Madhavan project, an R03 funded by NICHD, examines the impact of HIV on the probability that an elderly person will face a transition in living arrangements
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Sustainable Community Oriented Stormwater Management: A Sensible Strategy for the Chesapeake Bay
Sacoby Wilson is Co-Investigator on an EPA-funded regional project focused on increasing Best Management Practices in a sensitive ecological zone
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Integrating Socio-Ecological Research and Collaborative Learning to Promote Marsh and Community Resilience
Michael Paolisso is pursuing a mixed-method project, funded by NOAA through the University of New Hampshire, to examine the socio-ecological system of the Deal Island peninsula in Maryland
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The Displaced New Orleans Residents Study
MPRC Director Michael Rendall is working with Faculty Associate Paul Torrens, Geography, to analyze social, economic, and health outcomes for New Orleanians
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Multidimensional Pathways to Healthy Aging among Filipino Women
Feinian Chen is working with the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, on an interdisciplinary study for the National Institute on Aging on health and functional outcomes in women's "transitional years" of middle and later adulthood
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Time Use Data Access System
Sandra Hofferth continues Time Use project to extend data "backwards through time and geographically across countries"
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Overcoming the Obstacles and Capitalizing on the Incentives for Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Environmental Justice Communities
Faculty Associate Michael Paolisso and colleagues examine how diverse communities under severe threat from climate change impacts view climate change
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Using propensity scores for causal inference with covariate measurement error
Faculty Associate Frauke Kreuter's project, an R01 funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, seeks to develop and assess new statistical methods
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Families and Inequality
Faculty Associate Philip Cohen brings sociology research to the public eye by tackling thorny issues about race, gender, family, and inequality in an online public forum.
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More Young Adults Are Financially Dependent on Parents Than 50 Years Ago
Demography article by Kahn, Goldscheider, and Garcia-Manglano examines changing family residence patterns
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