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Seminar Series: Michelle Budig, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts
Mompreneurs or Just Women in Business? The Impacts of Public Policy, Cultural Norms, and Family Structure on Women's Entrepreneurship in 15 Countries
Located in Coming Up
Seminar Series: Sergio Urzua, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Maryland
Loans for Higher Education: Does the Dream Come True?
Located in Coming Up
Denise Brennan, Associate Professor and Chair of Anthropology, Georgetown University
Life Interrupted: Trafficking into Forced Labor in the United States
Located in Coming Up
For Low-Wage Workers, Two Incomes Are Not Much Better Than One
Kearney and Turner argue that the current tax code puts an unfair burden on low-income families with two earners
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FileHow Firms Respond to Business Cycles: The Role of Firm Age and Firm Size
John Haltiwanger, University of Maryland, et al.; 2013-020
Located in Research / Working Papers / WP Documents
FilePrivate Equity, Jobs, and Productivity
John Haltiwanger, University of Maryland, et al.; 2013-019
Located in Research / Working Papers / WP Documents
Why Such a Slow Recovery?
MPRC Faculty Associate John Haltiwanger speaks about job creation and destruction, and what made the Great Recession unique
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File Troff document (with manpage macros)Do Labor Market Networks Have an Important Spatial Dimension?
Judith Hellerstein, University of Maryland; Mark J. Kutzbach, U.S. Census Bureau; David Neumark, University of California Irvine; 2013-014
Located in Research / Working Papers / WP Documents
Abraham, Haltiwanger part of briefing for Treasury Secretary
Secretary Jacob J. Lew focuses not just on unemployment but on duration of unemployment.
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Haltiwanger Article on vacancies and hiring cited in the New York Times
Employers hesitant to hire, reports NYT's Catherine Rampell
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