Lucie Schmidt, Smith College
The Impact of Expanding Public Health Insurance on Safety Net Program Participation: Evidence from the ACA Medicaid Expansion
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Asad Asad, Stanford University
Institutional and Social Contexts of U.S. Immigration Enforcement and the Health of Infants Born to Latina Immigrants, 2012-2017
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Asian Americans & Racism: Individual and Structural Experiences (ARISE)
Thu Nguyen to address the underrepresentation of Asian Americans in Alzheimer's and aging research through $3.4 million NIA grant
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Selected Research
Richardson co-leads UMD initiative on gun violence
PROGRESS initiative joins UMD researchers with Maryland policy makers
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State level structural racism and alcohol and tobacco use behaviors
New paper by Faculty Associate Kerry Green examines structural racism impacts among a national probability sample of Black Americans
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Elementary School Desegregation and Mid-Life Cognitive Function
Walsemann research identifies integrated early childhood education as factor for improved cognitive function for Black individuals
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Lauren Gaydosh, University of Texas - Austin
Early Life Course Exposure to Family Instability and Adult Health
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2024 Time Use Conference
Sponsored by NICHD, MPRC, Minnesota Population Center, and the Maryland Time Use Laboratory
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Cabrera highlights risks of Maryland's childcare shortage
A childcare crisis impacts Maryland families
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Improving mental health for older adults
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) could reduce health disparities
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