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File Troff document (with manpage macros)Parenthood and Leaving Home in Young Adulthood
Frances Goldscheider, University of Maryland // Keywords: Nestleaving, parent-child relationships, parenthood, transition to adulthood; 2013-007
Located in Research / Working Papers / WP Documents
File Troff document (with manpage macros)Growing Parental Economic Power in Parent-Adult Child Households : Coresidence and Financial Dependency in the US, 1960 and 2001
Joan Kahn and Frances Goldscheider, University of Maryland; 2012-001
Located in Research / Working Papers / WP Documents
FileAre Children Barriers to the Gender Revolution? International Comparisons
Laurie F. DeRose, Frances Goldscheider, University of Maryland; Javiera Reyes Brito, Universidad delos Andes, Chile; Andrés Salazar-Arango, Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia; Montserrat Gas-Aixendri, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Spain; Paúl Corcuera, Universidad de Piura, Peru // Keywords: male role, female role, labour force, housework, child care, family policy, gender revolution. 2017-010
Located in Research / Working Papers / WP Documents