Interdisciplinary Dialogue Series: Climate Change and Disasters
Presented by Marccus Hendricks, Santina Contreras, Jesse Keenan, and Eric Burnstein
Located in
Coming Up
Search Mastery Speaker Series: "Search and the News"
Presented by Dr. Daniel Trielli
Located in
Coming Up
OTTRS Speaker Series: Consequences of workplace surveillance: An example from police body-worn cameras
Presented by Tara Behrend, Michigan State University
Located in
Coming Up
SPP Research Seminar Series: Nonprofit Disaster Preparedness in the Context of Climate Change
Presented by Beth Gazley, Indiana University
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Coming Up
Seminar: Applied Micro: Jessie Handbury, Wharton
"Demographic Preferences and Income Segregation"
Located in
Coming Up
Preventing Climate Displacement With Community Resilience Hubs Workshop
Workshop hosted by the Urban Equity Collaborative
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Coming Up
Research Seminar Series: On Haiti, Black Leadership and U.S. Refugee Policy
Presented by Niambi Carter
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Coming Up
"Invisible Rulers: The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality"
Dean’s Lecture Discussion with Renée DiResta
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Coming Up
HPM Department Seminar
"How does medical debt shape the lives of low-income families? The case of Wisconsin's birth tax"
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Coming Up
PROGRESS Distinguished Speaker Series Event
"Structural Drivers of Firearm Violence: Theory, Evidence, and Transformational Solutions" by Dr. Mudia Uzzi
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Coming Up