JPSM Distinguished Lecturer 2023, Nancy Bates
Measuring Sexual and Gender Minorities in the Federal Statistical System: Are We There Yet?
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Reducing Racial Inequalities in the Criminal Justice System
Webinar hosted by the Joyce Foundation
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Annual William Form Lecture with Diana Elliott
Advancing Equity in the Absence of Equitable Data
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Econ Seminar: Applied Micro - David Powell, Rand Corporation Hosted by Katharine Abraham
"The Labor Supply Consequences of the Opioid Crisis"
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Physical Activity and Successful Aging: Lessons Learned over 35 Years
Dept of Kinesiology's Joan S. Hult Women's History Month Lecture- Physical Activity and Successful Aging: Lessons Learned over 35 Years.
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BSOS Research Showcase: Resilience Research Hub
Learn about the resilience hub and interact with its members!
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3rd Annual Ray Paternoster Memorial Lecture with Robert J. Sampson
CCJS Lecture
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Econ Seminar: Seth Sanders, Cornell University
The Impact of Female Teachers on Female Students' Lifetime Well-Being
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Workshop: Addressing the Rising Mental Health Needs of an Aging Population
Hosted by the National Academies’ Forum on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
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Econ Seminar: Ellora Derenoncourt, Princeton University
Wealth of Two Nations: The U.S. Racial Wealth Gap, 1860-2020
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