Department of Sociology : Panel Discussion
Luoman Bao, Graduate Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland
Rachel Shattuck, Graduate Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland
Jingyuan Xie, Graduate Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland
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ASA 2013 Annual Meeting
108th Annual Meeting looks at "Linking Micro and Macro"
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Seminar Series: Ethnomedicine and Biomedicine in Rural Senegal: Rationality and Magical Thinking
Jack Sandberg, Associate Professor, Department of Global Health, George Washington University
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Seminar Series: His Gain, Her Pain? The Motherhood Penalty and the Fatherhood Premium within Coresidential Couples
Alexandra Killewald, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Harvard University
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Time Use Lab Speaker Series: Societal Determinants of Temporal Complexity in Personal Leisure: A Comparative Study of Germany and Poland
Ewa Jarosz, Visiting Fulbright Scholar and Ph.D. student, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Polish Academy of Sciences
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Reliability, validity, and variability of the subjective well-being questions in the 2010 well-being module of the American Time Use Survey
Sandra Hofferth, Professor, Family Science; Yoonjoo Lee, Graduate Student, Family Science
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Shengwei Sun, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland
The "Feminist Mystique" Under Market Hegemony: Media's Framing of Women's Work-and-Family Issues in Contemporary China
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Kei Nomaguchi, Department of Sociology, Bowling Green State University
Changes in Mothers' Perceptions of Neighborhood Quality, Child Well-Being, and Parenting Stress, 1976-2002
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Linda Quirke, Department of Sociology, Wilfrid Laurier University
The Four O'Clock Shuffle: Parental Management of Children's Time Scarcity
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David Strohecker, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland
Making Sense of the Cultural Turn: Cultural Sociology, The Sociology of Culture, and Cultural Studies
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