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Lauren Gaydosh, University of Texas - Austin
Early Life Course Exposure to Family Instability and Adult Health
Located in Coming Up
Atheendar S. Venkataramani, University of Pennsylvania
Maternal Mortality and Women's Political Power
Located in Coming Up
Olivia Carter-Pokras comments on racism and impact of coronavirus on marginalized communities
Scholars discussed how systemic racism in the United States has made historically marginalized communities more vulnerable to coronavirus
Located in News
Article Reference Troff document (with manpage macros)Connections and Divergence between Public Health and Built Environment—A Scoping Review
Abstract: Public health and built environment design have a long-intertwined history of promoting a healthy quality of life. They emerged with the common goal of preventing infectious disease outbreaks in urban areas and improving occupants’ living conditions. In recent years, however, the two disciplines have become less engaged and with each developing a distinct focus. To respond to this disconnection, a systematic review was conducted to identify the connection and divergence between public health and built environment design and planning. This paper aims to establish a context for understanding the connections, synergies, and divergence between public health and built environment design disciplines. Further, the four main health factors in the built environment are identified and explained: physical, physiological, biological, and psychological factors. Finally, future trends to reconnect public health with build environment design are then outlined.
Located in MPRC People / Jennifer D. Roberts, Dr.P.H., M.P.H. / Jennifer D. Roberts Publications