What If It Were You: Race, Class & A Flawed Criminal Justice System
Panelists: Steve Lopez, Dr. Jack Monell, and The Honorable Alexander Williams, Jr.
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What Women Want: Family Formation and Labor Market Responses to Marriage Incentives
Family structure in the United States has shifted substantially over the last three decades, yet the causes and implications of these changes for the well-being of family members remains unclear. This paper exploits task-based shifts in demand as an exogenous shock to sex-specific wages to demonstrate the role of the relative female to male wage in the family and labor market outcomes of women. I show that increases in the relative wage lead to a decline in the likelihood of marriage for those on the margin of a first marriage, and present suggestive evidence that these effects are concentrated among less-desirable matches. A higher relative wage also causes women to increase their hours of work, reduce their dependence on a male earner, and increase the likelihood of taking guardianship over their children. These findings indicate that improvements in the relative wage have facilitated women’s independence by reducing the monetary incentive for marriage, and can account for 20% of the decline in marriage between 1980 and 2010.
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Will the Digital Environment Help Us Save the Planet ?
Dave Karpf, George Washington University
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Women Leading Women
Office of Diversity & Inclusion
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Workshop on Data Equity Issues in Quantifying Racism, Race, and Ethnicity (Virtual)
Workshop on Data Equity Issues in Quantifying Racism, Race, and Ethnicity (Virtual)with Dr. Alyasah Ali Sewell
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Workshop: 2021 ATUS Well-Being Data Webinar
An overview of the 2021 ATUS Time Use Survey and Well-Being module data
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Workshop: Addressing the Rising Mental Health Needs of an Aging Population
Hosted by the National Academies’ Forum on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
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Workshop: Time Use Data Visualization Webinar
An overview of visualization strategies for time use data, including the ATUS-X data visualization tool
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Writing Questions For Surveys
JPSM Short Course
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Year of Immigration: Immigrant Stories
Sponsored by: The Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development, the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, the Office of International Affairs, and the Carnegie Corporation of New York
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