ATLAS Monthly Speaker Series (Nov): The Fragility of Strong Ties: Kinship, Marriage and Child Outcomes in Nairobi, Kenya
The Fragility of Strong Ties: Kinship, Marriage and Child Outcomes in Nairobi, Kenya
Located in
Coming Up
Baha'i Chair for World Peace - ongoing series on structural racism
Pursuing Racial Equity in Prince George's County, MD
Located in
Coming Up
Baha'i Chair Presentation - with Kevin Roy
Man Up? Toxic Masculinities and the Health of Men, Women, and Children
Located in
Coming Up
Baha'i Chair Presentation - with Christina Getrich
"'The Immigration Officers Are Always Around!': U.S. Immigration Enforcement and Ethnoracial Profiling in Immigrant Communities"
Located in
Coming Up
Baha'i Chair Roundtable Event: Systemic Racism in America
Roundable discussion featuring Prudence Carter, Odis Johnson, Rashawn Ray, and Hoda Mahmoudi
Located in
Coming Up
Baha'i Chair: Critical Race Theory (Virtual)
Critical Race Theory: Public Debates and Teaching in the Classroom.
Cosponsored by the Critical Race Initiative and the BSOS Anti-Black Racism Initiative
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Coming Up
Baha'i Chair: Life After the Gunshot (Virtual)
A Digital Storytelling Project on the Impact of Structural and Interpersonal Violence and the Healing Process for Young Black Men
Located in
Coming Up
Bahai' Chair: Confederate Streets and Black-White Labor Market Differentials (Virtual)
Confederate Streets and Black-White Labor Market Differentials (Virtual)
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Coming Up
Be Informed Lectures and Libations Series: Dawn Dow
Mothering While Black: Boundaries and Burdens of Middle-Class Parenthood
Located in
Coming Up
Black men’s mental health: Healing from complex trauma and toxic environments
Department of Behavioral and Community Health Research and Learning Seminar Series hosts:
Black men’s mental health: Healing from complex trauma and toxic environments
Presented by: Dr. Craig Fryer, Dr. Joseph B Richardson, and Dr. Kevin Roy
Located in
Coming Up