Michael Paolisso Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 57 references in this bibliography folder.
Miller Hesed, CD, Van Dolah, ER, and Paolisso, M
(In press).
Faith-based communities for rural coastal resilience: lessons from collaborative learning on the Chesapeake Bay
Climatic Change:1-21.
Paolisso, M, Prell, C, Johnson, K, and et al
Enhancing socio-ecological resilience in coastal regions through collaborative science, knowledge exchange and social networks: a case study of the Deal Island Peninsula, USA
Socio-Ecological Practice Research, 1(2):109-123.
Johnson, K, Feurt, C, and Paolisso, M
Collaborative Science and Learning as Tools for Climate Change Adaptation Planning
The International Journal of Climate Change: Impact and Responses, 10(1):59-75.
Hesed, C and Paolisso, M
Local Vulnerability to Climate Change among AfricanAmerican Communities
Nature Climate Change, 5:683-687.
Paolisso, M, Kirshen, P, Douglas, E, and Enrici, A
Social and Cultural Incentives and Obstacles to Adaptation to Increased Coastal Flooding in East Boston, MA USA
In: Restoring and Sustaining Lands: Coordinating Science, Politics, and Action, ed. by H.A. Karl, M. Flaxman, J.C. Vargas-Moreno, and P. Lynn Scarlett, chap. 5, Springer.
Paolisso, M, Weeks, P, and Packard, J
A Cultural Model of Farmer Land Conservation
Human Organization, 72(1):12-22.
Paolisso, M, Enrici, A, Kirshen, P, Douglas, E, and Ruth, M
Environmental Justice and Climate Change: Knowledge and Adaptation among African American Communities in the Chesapeake Bay Region
Weather, Climate and Society, 4:34-47.
Douglas, E, Kirshen, P, Paolisso, M, Enrici, A, Watson, C, and Ruth, M
Coastal flooding and Climate Change: Impacts and Adaptations for an Environmental Justice Community in Boston, Massachusetts
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change.
Paolisso, M, Priscilla, W, and Packard, J
Local Cultural Models of Conservation and NGO Legitimacy
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.
Paolisso, M and Dery, N
A Cultural Model Analysis of Chesapeake Bay Oyster Restoration
Human Organization, 69(2):169-179.
Paolisso, M and Hames, R
Methods for the Systematic Study of Human Behavior
Field Methods , 22(4):1-13.
Paolisso, M and Hames, R
Time diary versus instantaneous sampling: A comparison of two behavioral research methods
Field Methods, 22(4):1-13.
Paolisso, M, Najjar, R, Pyke, C, Adams, MB, Breitburg, D, Hershner, C, Kemp, M, Howard, R, Mulholland, M, Secor, D, Sellner, K, Wardrop, D, and Park, R
Potential Climate Change Impacts on the Chesapeake Bay
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 86(1):1-20.
Paolisso, M, Packard, J, Weeks, P, and Srinivasan, M
Use of Principal Components Analysis to Assess Cultural Models of Land Conservation
Society and Natural Resources.
Paolisso, M
Comments: Gone the Bull of Winter? Grappling with Cultural Implications of Anthropology's Role(s) in Global Climate Change, by Susan A. Crate
Current Anthropology, 49(4):588-589.
Paolisso, M
Cultural Models and Cultural Consensus of Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab and Oyster Fisheries
National Association of Practicing Anthropology Bulletin, 28:123-133.
Paolisso, M
Taste the Traditions: Crabs, Crab Cakes and the Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Fishery
American Anthropologist, 109(4):654-665.
Paolisso, MJ and Maloney, RS
The 'Art of Farming': Exploring the Link Between Farm Culture and Maryland's Nutrient Management Policies
Culture and Agriculture, 28(2).
Paolisso, MJ, Dery, N, and Herman, S
Restoration of the Chesapeake Bay Using a Non-Native Oyster: Ecological and Fishery Considerations
Human Organization, 65(3).
Paolisso, MJ
Chesapeake Environmentalism: Rethinking Culture to Strengthen Restoration and Resource Management
Paolisso, MJ
Cultural Models, Environmental Values and Environmental Decision-Making
, Washington, DC.
Paolisso, MJ
The Right to Work the Water
Miscellaneous publication.
Paolisso, MJ
Uses of Applied Ethnography by Master's Level Students in Community, Health and Development
Practicing Anthropology, 27(2):31-32.
Paolisso, MJ and Power, L
Linking Estuarine Ecology and Community Heritage: A Socio-Cultural Needs Assessment of the Monie Bay Component
, Annapolis, MD.
Paolisso, MJ, Herman, S, and Dery, N
Cultural Analysis for EIS on Oyster Restoration Alternatives, Including the Crassostrea ariakensis
, Annapolis, MD.
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