Frances Goldscheider Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 55 references in this bibliography folder.
DeRose, L, Goldscheider, F, Reyes Brito, J, and et al
Are Children Barriers to the Gender Revolution? International Comparisons
European Journal of Population:1-35.
Goldscheider, F and Stanfors, M
The forest and the trees: Industrialization, demographic change, and the ongoing gender revolution in the United States and Sweden, 1870-2010
Demographic Research, 36(6):173–226.
Goldscheider, F, Kahn, J, García-Manglano, J, and Clarady, C
Race, Family Status and Young Women's Residential and Financial Dependency: 1970-2010
Journal of Family Issues, 38(18):2567 –2593 .
Goldscheider, F, Kaufman G, and Bernhardt, E
Enduring Egalitarianism? Family Transitions and Attitudes toward Gender Equality in Sweden
Journal of Family Issues.
Goldscheider, F, Scott, M, Lilya, E, and Bronte-Tinkew, J
Becoming a single parent: The role of father and mother characteristics
Journal of Family Issues, 36(12):1624-1650.
Goldscheider, F, Bernhardt, E, and Lappegard, T
Studies of Men's Involvement in the Family
Journal of Family Issues, 35(7):879-890.
Goldscheider, F, Goldscheider, C, and Gonzalez, A
Religiosity and Gender Equality in Sweden: Are the Religious More Patriarchal?
Journal of Family Issues, 35(7):892-908.
Goldscheider, F, Hofferth, S, and Curtin, S
Parenthood and leaving home in young adulthood
Population Research and Policy Review, 33(6):771-796.
Goldscheider, F, Bernhardt, E, and Branden, M
Domestic gender equality and childbearing: First, second, and third births in Sweden
Demographic Research, 29(40):1097-1126.
Goldscheider, F, Kahn, J, and Garcia-Manglano, J
Growing parental economic power in parent-adult child households: Coresidence and financial dependency in the United States, 1960-2000
Demography, 50(4):1449-1475.
Allen, S, Goldscheider, F, and Lima, J
Primary Caregiver Characteristics Associated with Transitions in Community-Based Care
Journal of Gerontology: Psychological and Social Sciences, 67(3):362-371.
Goldscheider, F
Review of "The Accordion Family: Boomerang Kids, Anxious Parents, and the Private Toll of Global Competition" by Katharine Newman
American Journal of Sociology, 11:821-822.
Hofferth, S, Goldscheider, F, Pleck, J, Curtin, S, and Hrapezynski, K
Changing Family Structure and Men's Motivation for Parenthood and Parenting in the US
In: Handbook of Father Involvement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, ed. by Natasha J Cabrera and Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda. Routledge, New York, NY, chap. 4, pp. 57-80.
Goldscheider, F, Goldscheider, C, and Bernhardt, E
Creating Egalitarian Familes among Adult Children of Immigrants in Sweden
International Migration Review, 45:68-88.
Goldscheider, F, Olah, L, and Puur, A
Reconciling studies of men's gender attitudes and fertility: Response to Westoff and Higgins
Demographic Research, 22(8):189-198.
Hofferth, S and Goldscheider, F
Does Change in Young Men's Employment Influence Fathering?
Family Relations.
Hofferth, S and Goldscheider, F
Family Structure and the Transition to Parenthood
Goldscheider, F
Family and Household Structure, Adulthood
In: Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development, ed. by Deborah Carr, Gale Cengage.
Goldscheider, F, Hofferth, S, Spearin, C, and Curtin, S
Fatherhood, Family Structure, and Finances across two Cohorts
Journal of Family Issues, 30:586-604.
Goldscheider, F, Kaufman, G, and Sassler, S
Navigating the "New" Marriage Market: How Attitudes Towards Partner Characteristics Shape Union Formation
Journal of Family Issues, 30:719-737.
Goldscheider, C, Bernhardt E, and Goldscheider, F
What integrates the second generation? Factors affecting family transitions to adulthood in Sweden
In: International Migration in Europe: New Trends and New Methods of Analysis, ed. by Corrado Bonifazi, Marek Okólski, Jeanette Schoorl and Patrick Simon. Amsterdam University Press, chap. 11, pp. .
Bernhardt E, Goldscheider, C, and Goldscheider, F
Integrating the Second Generation: Gender and Family Attitudes in Early Adulthood in Sweden
Zeitschrift für familienforschung, 19(1):55-70.
Bernhardt, E, Goldscheider, F, Goldscheider, C, and Bjeren, G
Immigration, Gender and Family Transitions to Adulthood in Sweden
University Press of America.
Goldscheider, F and Bernhardt, E
Gender and Work-Family Balance
In: Immigration, Gender, and Family Transitions to Adulthood in Sweden, ed. by E. Bernhardt, C. and F. Goldscheider, and G. Bjeren. University Press of America, chap. 6, pp. 95-114.
Goldscheider, F and Bernhardt, E
Marriage and Cohabitation
In: Immigration, Gender, and Family Transitions to Adulthood in Sweden, ed. by E. Bernhardt, C. and F. Goldscheider, and G. Bjeren. University Press of America, chap. 4, pp. 55-72.
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