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Certificate in Population Studies

About the Certificate

The population studies certificate program provides solid interdisciplinary training in demographic methods, theory, and research for Ph.D. students in departments affiliated with the Maryland Population Research Center, culminating in a Certificate in Population Studies for graduate students who complete the required coursework.

Certificate Requirements

MPRC’s certificate program draws from existing courses offered in several departments, as well as a small number of new courses, which are selected each semester by the program's faculty coordinators. At the core of the program will be:

  • A course in Demographic Methods, SOCY 611 (SOCY 709D accepted as substitute - only if SOCY 611 was not offered over the full period while a PhD Student, before candidacy).
  • One substantive survey course on Population Issues (either SOCY 630 or ECON 772). Note: HLSA 721 accepted as substitute for SOCY 630 if it was not offered before candidacy.
  • Two electives from a list of relevant courses (at least one of these courses must be offered by a department outside of the student’s home department.)

Apply for the Certificate program

List of Courses

Several courses are currently approved for application toward the Certificate in Population Studies awarded by the Maryland Population Research Center.

See the list of approved courses.

See the list of approved courses for the current semester.


For more information about this program, please contact Michael Rendall or Judith Hellerstein.