How do Principal Investigators register on the NIH eRA Commons website?
All PIs must be registered on NIH's eRA Commons System before a proposal can be submitted to NIH. This registration is done by the University of Maryland (by ORAA), not through NIH. To register, go to ORAA's website and provide your UMD username and password:
ORAA will process this registration request and the PI will receive a confirmation e-mail with an assigned NIH username and password (which should be reset). Once the PD/PI has received an e-mail confirming his/her registration within the Commons, the PD/PI needs to complete and verify that all Personal Information located within the Personal Profile tab in the eRA Commons System is accurate. The PD/PI must review and update, as needed, data elements such as first name, middle initial, last name, prefix and/or suffix to PD/PI name (including all embedded punctuation), e-mail, phone, fax, street address, city, state, country, zip and degrees earned. These data must contain the most recent information in order for the application to be processed accurately.