Call for Papers
November 18, 2010
Inn and Conference Center
University of Maryland
Presenters : Upload your paper
Deadline for Proposals : August 31, 2010
Census Research Data Center Network
The Census Research Data Center Network welcomes proposals to present papers and posters[1] based on current or recent projects carried out in a Census Research Data Center or using confidential Census Bureau data. Graduate students are encouraged to apply. The 2010 Census Research Data Center Annual Research Conference will be held November 18, 2010, at University of Maryland and is hosted by the Center for Economic Studies in collaboration with the Maryland Population Research Center and the Department of Economics at the University of Maryland.
Submissions should be an abstract, should specify the contact author if more than one author, and should be submitted online [submission form closed].
The conference organizers will select abstracts and papers for either a presentation or a poster session. Graduate student presenters may apply for a travel stipend and should include a request for travel with the submission of their proposals. Additional funding may be available to support travel by other presenters, with priority given to early-career scholars. Please add requests for funding on the first page of your submission.
Further details on conference logistics, hotel, and the program will be circulated and posted on this website. Send questions to Lynn Riggs.
[1] Authors selected for presentation will have 30 minutes to present. Authors selected for the poster session will illustrate their findings by displaying results as graphs, tables, diagrams, etc. with limited text on poster boards and will hold discussions with conference participants who will circulate among the poster boards during the poster sessions.
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