Sonalde Desai Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 42 references in this bibliography folder.
Choudhuri, P and Desai, S
(In press).
Gender inequalities and household fuel choice in India
Journal of Cleaner Production.
Desai, S and Joshi, O
The Paradox of Declining Female Work Participation in an Era of Economic Growth
The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 62(1):55-71.
Myroniuk, T, Vanneman, R, and Desai, S
Getting a Child Through Secondary School and To College in India: The Role of Household Social Capital.
Sociology of Development, 3(1):24-46.
Basu A and Desai, S
Hopes, dreams and anxieties: India's one-child families.
Asian Population Studies, 12(1):4-27.
Barik, D, Agarwal, T, and Desai, S
After the Dividend: Caring for a Greying India.
Economic and Political Weekly, 50(24):104-112.
Desai, S
Demographic Deposit, Dividend and Debt
Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 58(2):217-232.
Desai, S and Vanneman, R
Enhancing Nutrition Security via India’s National Food Security Act: Using an axe instead of a scalpel?
New Delhi: Sage, vol. 11. India Policy Forum.
Desai, S, Haddad, L, Chopra, D, and Thorat, A
Investing in the Future: Public Policy Opportunities to End Undernutrition in India
Barik, D and Desai, S
Patterns of Health Care Expenditure in India
In: India Infrastructure Report, 2013: Health, ed. by Sambit Basu, Routledge, New Delhi.
Desai, S and Temsah, G
Muslim and Hindu Women's Public and Private Behaviors: Gender, Family, and Communalized Politics in India
Demography, Online.
Andrist, L, Banerji, M, and Desai, S
Negotiating Marriage: Examining the Gap between Marriage and Cohabitation in India
In: Marrying in South Asia: Shifting concepts, changing practices in a globalising world, ed. by Ravinder Kaur & Rajni Palriwala, Orient Blackswan, New Delhi.
Desai, S
Women in Workforce: Burden of Success, Decline in Participation
Yojana, 57:56-59.
Desai, S
It Takes More than a Village
In: Reimagining India, ed. by Chandler, Clay, and Adil Zainullbhai, pp. 243-246, Simon and Schuster, New York.
Desai, S and Thorat, A
Beyond the Great Indian Nutrition Debate
Economic and Political Weekly, 48(45):18-22.
Desai, S and Thorat, A
“Social Inequalities in Education” in India Infrastructure Report, 2012: Private Sector in Education
New Delhi: Routledge.
Vikram, K, Vanneman, R, and Desai, S
Linkages between maternal education and childhood immunization in India
Social Science and Medicine, 75(2):331-339.
Desai, S and Dubey, A
Caste in 21st Century India: Competing Narratives.
Economic and Political Weekly, 46(11):40-49.
Desai, S
Caste and Census: A Forward Looking Strategy
Economic and Political Weekly, 45(9):10-13.
Desai, S
The Other Half of the Demographic Dividend
Economic and Political Weekly, 45(40):12-14.
Desai, S and Andrist, L
Gender Scripts and Age at Marriage in India
Demography, 47(3):667-87.
Desai, S and Wu, L
Structured Inequalities: Spatial Disparities in Maternity Care in India
Margin: A Journal of Applied Economics, 4(3):293-320.
Desai, S, Adams, C, and Dubey, A
Segmented Schooling: Inequalities in Primary Education
In: Blocked by Caste: Discrimination and Social Exclusion in Modern India, ed. by Sukhadeo Thorat and Katherine Newman, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Desai, S, Dubey, A, Joshi, B, Sen, M, Shariff, A, and Vanneman, R
India Human Development in India: Challenges for a Society in Transition
Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Desai, S, Dubey, A, Joshi, B, Sen, M, Shariff, A, and Vanneman, R
Human Development in India: Challenges for a Society in Transition
Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Desai, S
Soldiers of Saffron, Sonal Shah and Secularism.
Economic and Political Weekly, 44(7):25-27.
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