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Ruth Zambrana Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 46 references in this bibliography folder.

Cavajal, DN and Zambrana, RE (2020).
Challenging Stereotypes: A Counter-Narrative of the Contraceptive Experiences of Low-Income Latinas
Health Equity, 4(1).

Espino, M and Zambrana, R (2019).
"How Do You Advance Here? How do You Survive?" An Exploration of Under-Represented Minority Faculty Perceptions of Mentoring Modalities
The Review of Higher Education, 42(2):457-484.

Walters, KL, Maliszewski Lukszo, C, Evans-Campbell, T, Burciaga Valdez, R, and Zambrana, RE (2019).
‘Before they kill my spirit entirely’: insights into the lived experiences of American Indian Alaska Native faculty at research universities
Race Ethnicity and Education, 22(5):610-633.

Zambrana, R, Wingfield, A, Davila, B, Lapeyrouse, L, Hoagland, T, and Valdez, R (2017).
Blatant, Subtle and Insidious: URM Faculty Perceptions of Discriminatory Practices in Predominantly White Institutions
Sociological Inquiry, 87(2):207-232.

Roman, L, Zambrana, R, Ford, S, Meghea, C, and Williams, K (2016).
Casting a Wider Net: Engaging Community Health Worker Clients and Their Families in Cancer Prevention
Preventing Chronic Disease, 13:1-5.

Singer, R, Stoutenberg, M, Gellman, M, Archer, E, Davis, S, Gotman, N, Marquez, D, Buelna, C, Deng, Y, Hosgood, H, and Zambrana, R (2016).
Occupational physical activity and body mass index: Results from the Hispanic community health study/study of Latinos
PLoS ONE, 11(3):e0152339.

Zambrana, R, López, L, Dinwiddie, G, Ray, R, Eaton, C, Phillips, L, and Wassertheil-Smoller, S (2016).
Association of Baseline Depressive Symptoms with Prevalent and Incident Pre-Hypertension and Hypertension in Postmenopausal Hispanic Women: Results from the Women’s Health Initiative
PLoS ONE, 11(4):e0152765.

Castaneda, M, Zambrana, R, Marsh, K, Vega, W, Becerra, R, and Perez, D (2015).
Role of Institutional Climate on Underrepresented Faculty Perceptions and Decision- Making in Use of Work-Family Policies
Journal of Family Relations, 64:711-725.

Dinwiddie, G, Zambrana, R, Doamekpor, L, and Lopez, L (2015).
The Impact of Education Attainment on Observed Race/Ethnic Disparities in Inflammatory Risk in the 2001-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(1):ijerph13010042.

Northridge, M, Holtzman, D, Bergeron, C, Zambrana, R, and Greenberg, M (2015).
Mentoring for publication in the American Journal of Public Health
American Journal of Public Health, 105(S1):S14-S16.

Zambrana, R and Hurtado, S (2015).
The magic key: The educational journey of Mexican Americans from K-12 to college and beyond
Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press.

Zambrana, R, Meghea, C, Talley, C, Hammad, A, Lockett, M, and Williams, K (2015).
Association between family communication and health literacy among underserved racial/ethnic Women
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 26(2):391-405.

Zambrana, R, Ray, R, Espino, M, Castro, C, Douthirt-Cohen, B, and Eliason, J (2015).
Don’t Leave Us Behind”: The Importance of Mentoring for Underrepresented Minority Faculty
American Educational Research Journal, 52(1):40-72.

Zambrana, R, Lopez, L, Dinwiddie, G, Ray, R, Phillips, L, Trevisan, M, and Wassertheil-Smoller, S (2014).
Prevalence and incident pre-hypertension and hypertension in postmenopausal Hispanic women: Results from the women’s health initiative
American Journal of Hypertension, 27(2):1-10.

De Heer, H, Balcazar, H, Morera, O, Lapeyrouse, L, Heyman, J, Salinas, J, and Zambrana, R (2013).
Barriers to care and comorbidities among the U.S.-Mexico border
Public Health Reports, 128(6):480-8.

Dinwiddie, G, Zambrana, R, and Garza, M (2013).
Exploring risk factors in Latino cardiovascular disease: the role of education, nativity and gender
American Journal of Public Health, 104(9):1742-50.

Williams, K, Mabiso, A, Todem, D, Hammad, A, Hill-Ashford, Y, Hamade, H, Palamisono, G, Robinson-Lockett, M, and Zambrana, R (2011).
Tailored Intervention Shows Ethnic Differences in Knowledge of Breast Cancer Screening Modalities
Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(1):1-11.

Zambrana, R (2011).
Latinos in America: Families and Communities in Transition
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.

Zambrana, R and Carter-Pokras, O (2010).
Acculturation Research in Advancing Science and Practice in Reducing Health Care Disparities among Latina/os
American Journal of Public Health, 100(1):18-23.

Dill, B and Zambrana, R (2009).
Emerging intersections: Race, class, and gender in theory, policy and practice
Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ.

Zambrana, R and Morant, T (2009).
Latino Immigrant Children and Inequality in Access to Early Schooling Programs
Zero to Three, 29(5):46-53.

Carter-Pokras, O, Zambrana, RE, Yankelvich, G, Estrada, M, Castillo-Salgado, C, and Ortega, AN (2008).
Health Status of Mexican-Origin Persons: Do Proxy Measures of Acculturation Advance our Understanding of Health Disparities?
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 10(6):475-488.

Zambrana, RE (2008).
Solving Latino Psychological and Health Problems: Theory, Practice, and Populations, by Kurt C. Organista
Journal of Ethnic And Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 17(3):319-321.

Carter-Pokras, O, Zambrana, R, Mora, S, and Aaby, K (2007).
Emergency Preparedness: Knowledge and Perceptions of Latin American Immigrants
Journal of the Health Care for the Poor and Underserved(2):465-481.

Carter-Pokras, O, Zambrana, R, Poppell, C, Logie, L, and Guerrero-Preston, R (2007).
The Environmental Health of Latino Children
Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 21:307-314.

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