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Odis Johnson Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 19 references in this bibliography folder.

Johnson Jr., O (forthcoming).
When and Where does Achievement Inequality Grow?: Ecology, the City and Social Disorganization
American Sociological Review.

Johnson, Jr., O (Under Review).
The Urban Poverty Debate and African American Culture, 1960-2001
Review of Black Political Economy.

Johnson, Jr., O (Forthcoming).
Race-Gender Inequality Across Residential and School Contexts: What Can Policy Do?
In: African American Males in PreK-12 Schools: Informing Research, Practice, and Policy, ed. by James L. Moore and Chance W. Lewis. Emerald Publishing, chap. , pp. .

Johnson, O (Forthcoming).
Federal Policy and Race-Gender Inequality across Residential and School Contexts
In: African American Males in PreK-12 Schools: Informing Research, Practice, and Policy, ed. by James L. Moore and Chance W. Lewis. Emerald Publishing, chap. *, pp. *.

Johnson, O (Forthcoming).
African American Males, Learning Environments and Social Policy
In: Manly Deeds and Scholarship: Strategies for the Social and Academic Development of Black Males, ed. by V. Polite and J. Davis, Association of Supervision, Curriculum and Development.

Johnson, O (Forthcoming).
A Framework for Inquiry into Neighborhood-Institutional Relationships: Public Housing and Adolescent Development
In: Context Matters: Psychological Functioning and Health Behavior of Adolescents Living in Public Housing Neighborhoods, ed. by V.E. Nebbitt, Columbia University Press, New York.

Johnson Jr., O (2013).
Is Concentrated Advantage the Cause? The Relative Contributions of Neighborhood Advantage and Disadvantage to Educational Inequality
The Urban Review, 45(5):561-585.

Johnson, Jr., O (2013).
Race-gender inequality across residential and school contexts: Implications for mathematics, science, and reading performance of Black and Latino males
STEMing the Tide: NSF Symposium on Males of Color, Warrenton, VA.

Johnson Jr., O (2012).
Relocation Programs, Opportunities to Learn and the Complications of Conversion
Review of Educational Research, 82(2):131-178.

Johnson, O (2012).
Toward a Theory of Place: Social Mobility, Proximity and Proximal Capital
In: Research on Schools, Neighborhoods and Communities: Toward Civic Responsibility, ed. by William Tate, vol. Presidential, pp. 29-46, Rowman & Littlefield and the American Educational Research Association.

Johnson, O (2012).
A Systematic Review of Neighborhood and Institutional Relationships Related to Education
Education and Urban Society, 44:477-511.

Johnson, O (2010).
Assessing Neighborhood Racial Segregation and Macroeconomic Effects in the Education of African Americans
Review of Educational Research, 80(4):527-75.

Johnson, O (2009).
The Context of Educational Behavior: A Review of Neighborhood Effects Research

Johnson, O (2008).
Who Benefits from Concentrated Affluence?: A Synthesis of Neighborhood Effects Considering Race, Gender and Education Outcomes
Journal of Public Management & Social Policy, 14(2).

Johnson, O (2008).
Ecology in Educational Theory: Thoughts on Stratification, Social Mobility & Proximal Capital
Urban Review: Issues and Ideas in Public Education, 40(3):227-246.

Johnson, O (2006).
Toward a Theory of Place: Social Mobility, Proximity and Proximal Capital
In: Neighborhoods, Schools and Social Inequality, ed. by C Yeakey and W Tate, Elsevier, Oxford.

Correa, M, Easton, J, Johnson, O, Ponisciak, S, and Rosenkranz, T (2004).
Selected Indicators from the US Census and Chicago Public Schools Records Related to the Lives and Schooling of Children
, Chicago, IL.

MacAllum, K, Worgs, D, Johnson, O, and Charner, I (2001).
At the Crossroads: Findings and Recommendations for the Detroit Manufacturing Partnership
, Detroit, MI.

MacAllum, K, Thomas, K, and Johnson, O (2000).
Building the Detroit Manufacturing Partnership: An Interim Evaluation of the First Program Year
, Detroit, MI.

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