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You are here: Home / Retired Persons / Jing Zhang, Ph.D. / Jing Zhang Publications

Jing Zhang Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 5 references in this bibliography folder.

Zhang, J and et al (2015).
Bayesian hierarchical models for network meta-analysis incorporating nonignorable missingness
Statistical methods in medical research:TBD - epub.

Zhang, J, Fu, H, and Carlin, B (2015).
Detecting outlying trials in network meta-analysis.
Statistics in medicine, 34(19):2695-2707.

Zhang, J and Lin, L (2014).
Choosing the appropriate statistics
In: Network meta-analysis: Evidence synthesis with mixed treatment comparison, ed. by Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai, chap. 9, pp. 141-154, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY.

Zhang, J, Carlin, B, Neaton, J, Soon, G, Nie, L, Kane, R, Virnig, B, and Chu, H (2014).
Network meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials: Reporting the proper summaries
Clinical Trials, 11(2):246-262.

Zhang, J, Cole, S, Richardson, D, and Chu, H (2013).
A Bayesian approach to strengthen inference for case-control studies with multiple error-prone exposure assessments
Statistics in Medicine, 32(25):4426-4437.

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