Christina Getrich Publications
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 22 references in this bibliography folder.
Getrich, C
Border Brokers: Children of Mexican Immigrants Navigating U.S. Society, Laws, and Politics
The University of Arizona Press. (ISBN: 0816538999).
Getrich, C, Rapport, K, Burdette, A, and et al
Navigating a fragmented health care landscape: DACA recipients' shifting access to health care
Social Science & Medicine, 223:8-15.
Mishra, S, Sussman, A, Murrietta, A, Getrich, C, and et al
Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screening: Perspectives of High-Risk, Socio-Demographically Diverse Patients in New Mexico
Preventing Chronic Disease, 13(E108):1-10.
Getrich, C, Garcia, J, Solares, A, and Kano, M
Effective Strategies for Affordable Care Act Enrollment in Immigrant-Serving Safety Net Clinics in New Mexico
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 28(2):626-634.
Bradley, P, Getrich, C, and Hannigan, G
New Mexico Practitioners' Access to and Satisfaction with Online Clinical Information Resources: An Interview Study Using Qualitative Data Analysis Software
Journal of the Medical Library Association, 103(1):31-35.
Hoffman, R, Sussman, A, Getrich, C, and et al
Attitudes and Beliefs of Primary Care Providers in New Mexico About Lung Cancer Screening Using Low-Dose Computed Tomography
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 12(E108):1-11.
Hund, L and Getrich, C
Evaluating the Use of Short Computing Video Tutorials to Enhance Graduate Biostatistics Learning
Journal of Statistics Education, 23(2):1-16.
Kano, M, Getrich, C, and et al
Costs and Inconsistencies in U.S. I.R.B. Review of Low-Rist Educational Research
Medical Education, 49(6):634-637.
Sussman, A, Helitzer, D, Bennett, A, Solares, A, Lanoue, M, and Getrich, C
Catching Up With the HPV Vaccine: Challenges and Opportunities in Primary Care
American Academy of Family Physicians, 13(4):354-360.
Williams, R, Romney, C, Kano, M, Wright, R, Skipper, B, Getrich, C, and et al
Racial, gender, and socioeconomic status bias in senior medical student clinical decision-making: a national survey
Society of General Internal Medicine, 30(6):758-767.
Brener, A, Getrich, C, Pignone, M, Rhyne, R, Hoffman, R, McWilliams, A, Urquieta de Hernandez, B, Weaver, M, Tapp, H, Harbi, K, and Reuland, D
Comparing the Effect of a Decision Aid Plus Patient Navigation with Usual Care on Colorectal Cancer Screening Completion in Vulnerable Populations: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
Trials, 25(1):275.
Getrich, C, Broidy, L, Kleymann, E, Helitzer, D, Kong, A, and Sussman, A
Different Models of HPV Vaccine Decision Making among Adolescent Girls, Parents, and Health Care Clinicians in New Mexico
Ethnicity and Health, 19(1):47-63.
Helitzer, D, Sussman, A, Hoffman, R, Getrich, C, Warner, T, and Rhyne, R
Along the Way to Developing a Theory of the Program: A Re-examination of the Conceptual Framework as an Organizing Strategy
Evaluation and Program Planning, 45:157-63.
Spears, W, Tsoh, J, Potter, M, Weller, N, Brown, A, Campbell-Voytal, K, Getrich, C, Sussman, A, Pascoe, J, Williams, R, and Neale, A
Use of Community Engagement Strategies to Increase Research Participation: National Survey of Practice-Based Research Network Directors
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 27:763-771.
Williams, R, Romney, C, Kano, M, Wright, R, Skipper, B, Getrich, C, Sussman, A, and Zyzanski, S
Student Specialty Plans, Clinical Decision-making, and Health Care Reform.
Family Medicine, 46(5):340-347.
Getrich, C
"Too Bad I'm Not an Obvious Citizen": The Effects of Racialized US Immigration Enforcement Practices on Second-Generation Mexican Youth
Latino Studies, 11(4):462-482.
Getrich, C, Sussman, A, Campbell-Voytal, K, Tsoh, J, Williams, R, Brown, A, Potter, M, Spears, W, Weller, N, Pascoe, J, Schwartz, K, and Neale, A
Cultivating a Cycle of Trust with Diverse Communities in Practice-Based Research: A Report from PRIME Net
Annals of Family Medicine, 11(6):550-558.
Getrich, C, Sussman, A, Helitzer, D, Hoffman, R, Warner, T, Sanchez, V, Solares, A, and Rhyne, R
Expressions of Machismo in Colorectal Cancer Screening among New Mexico Hispanic Subpopulations
Qualitative Health Research, 22(4):546-559.
Hardy, L, Getrich, C, Quezada, J, Guay, A, Michalowski, R, and Henley, E
A Call for Further Research on the Impact of Immigration Enforcement on Public Health
American Journal of Public Health, 102(7):1250-1254.
Waitzkin, H, Getrich, C, Heying, S, Rodriguez, L, Willging, C, and Yager, J
Promotoras as Mental Health Practitioners in Primary Care: A Multi-Method Study of an Intervention to Address Contextual Sources of Depression
Journal of Community Health, 36(2):316-331.
Getrich, C
Negotiating Boundaries of Social Belonging: Second-Generation Mexican Youth and the Immigrant Rights Protests of 2006
American Behavioral Scientist, 52(4):533-556.
Getrich, C, Heying, S, Willging, C, and Waitzkin, H
An Ethnography of Clinic 'Noise' in a Community-Based, Promotora-Centered Mental Health Intervention
Social Science and Medicine, 65(2):319-330.
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