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Untapped human capital in sub-Saharan Africa
Kennth Leonard investigates knowledge-practice gaps; emphasizes importance of indigenous solutions
Located in Research / Selected Research
US Army Leadership Still Mostly White
David Segal quoted in USA Today
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Using Big Data to measure discrimination impacts on birth outcomes
New National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities grant
Located in Research / Selected Research
Using New Policy Parameter to Study Early Childhood Intervention for Low Birth-weight Infants
Erich Battistin examines a relatively understudied early-childhood intervention for low birth-weight infants using new policy parameter
Located in Research / Selected Research
Using propensity scores for causal inference with covariate measurement error
Faculty Associate Frauke Kreuter's project, an R01 funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, seeks to develop and assess new statistical methods
Located in Research / Selected Research
Victimization and minority stress in first-gen Latinx immigrant adolescents
Getrich, Fish, Fryer, and Boekeloo team up to examine risk and protective factors for suicidality
Located in Research / Selected Research
Was the Great Recession really responsible for falling divorce rates?
Cohen study casts doubt on "Silver Linings" divorce rate hypothesis
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Washington Post policing story cites Joseph Richardson
Police 'jump outs' target mostly Black youth
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What Happens When the Pace of Start Ups Slows Down
Slowdown in new business start-ups is stunting job creation, Haltiwanger reports
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What is behind gender inequality in college ?
Women are completing university in greater percentages than men but do not choose high-income fields
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