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Teens, Technology, and Dating Violence
Donna Howard and colleagues are studying the impact of electronic communication technologies on dating violence
Located in Research / Selected Research
Temporal trends in mental health disparities among sexual minorities
Research shows persistent mental health disparities among sexual minority populations
Located in Research / Selected Research
Texas team re-calculates maternal mortality rate
MacDorman findings from 2016 addressed, somewhat
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The built environment and traffic collisions in the United States
Quynh Nguyen and Thu Nguyen examine how built environment features affect U.S. traffic collisions
Located in Research / Selected Research
The Changing Shape of the American Family
Cohen calls for tax and labor policy to catch up with changing social norms
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The Displaced New Orleans Residents Study
MPRC Director Michael Rendall is working with Faculty Associate Paul Torrens, Geography, to analyze social, economic, and health outcomes for New Orleanians
Located in Research / Selected Research
The Effects of Changes in Medicaid Physician Fees on the Use of Preventative Care
Faculty Associate Karoline Mortensen to model effects of Affordable Care Act on Medicaid enrollees
Located in Research / Selected Research
The Great Stagnation
Haltiwanger's work featured in The New York Times and The Economist
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The Healthy Generations Program: Improving Access to Mental Health Care
New model of integrated service delivery makes mental health services more accessible to teenaged parents
Located in Research / Selected Research
The impact of education on fertility in the U.S. over five decades
Philip Cohen examines the educational gradient in completed fertility
Located in Research / Selected Research