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For Young Women in Sub-Saharan Africa Addressing Transactional Sex May be Key to Reducing HIV Infections
Transactional Sex and HIV Risk: From Analysis to Action
Located in Research / Selected Research
Care Coordination on Minorities with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia
Principal Investigator Jie Chen, with Andrew Fenelon and others, was awarded a grant to study care coordination on ethnic minority populations
Located in Research / Selected Research
Opioid Use Disorder, mental illness lack treatment when co-occuring
Jie Chen and colleagues will publish a study examining the behavioral health treatment among individuals with co-occurring opioid use disorder and mental illness
Located in Research / Selected Research
Sexual minority youth less likely to exit foster care
Jessica Fish and her colleagues published a study presenting sexual minority youth as an overrepresented population in foster care, child welfare and out-of-home placement
Located in Research / Selected Research
Devon Payne-Sturges on air pollution and child health
Absent federal policy, the state of Maryland can implement policies to protect children’s health
Located in Research / Selected Research
Risk Factors for Infant Mortality in Maryland
Maryland Health Care Commission project includes Marian Moser-Jones, Edmond Shenassa and Marie Thoma
Located in Research / Selected Research
Dynamism diminished: The role of housing markets and credit conditions
John Haltiwanger looks at the effect of housing market shocks on young businesses and start-ups
Located in Research / Selected Research
Climate change is not a simplistic comparison of apartheid but entails global cooperation to deal with it
Alok Bhargava responds to Desmond Tutu's Comparison of Climate Change as Developed Countries' "Climate Apartheid" On the Poor
Located in Research / Selected Research
The Impact of Work Requirements on Program Participation and Labor Supply
Mary Zaki and her colleagues published a working paper analyzing the effects of work requirements on SNAP participation, beneficiary composition, and labor supply
Located in Research / Selected Research
Public Health Researchers Win Data Contract to Study LGBTQ Health Disparities
Access to new dataset opens up research opportunities
Located in Research / Selected Research