New York Times Article quotes Kearney in discussion of child care and opening the economy
Child care key to economy re-opening
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Occupational Differences in Estimates of Time at Work
John P. Robinson, University of Maryland; Jonathan Gershuny, University of Oxford; 2012-006
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Organizing for Power and Worker's Rights in the 21st Century
The University of Maryland's Center for the History of the New America to host symposium
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Pia Orrenius, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Immigration and Labor Markets: An Overview
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Coming Up
Private Equity, Jobs, and Productivity
John Haltiwanger, University of Maryland, et al.; 2013-019
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Promoting Economic Recovery After COVID-19
Melissa Kearney and colleagues offer bi-partisan plan for economic recovery
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Selected Research
Race-Ethnicity, Class, and Unemployment Dynamics: Do Macroeconomic Shifts Alter Existing Disadvantages?
Research indicates that individuals of different races, ethnic backgrounds, and class origins differ in their unemployment rates. We know less, however, about whether these differences result from the differing groups’ unequal hazards of entering or exiting unemployment and even less about how economic fluctuations moderate the ethnoracial and class-origin gaps in the long-term risks of transitioning into and out of unemployment. Using Rounds 1–17 of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 and event history models, we show that non-Hispanic blacks become more similar to non-Hispanic whites in their paces of entering unemployment as their local unemployment rate rises, perhaps because jobs largely closed to the former are eliminated in a greater proportion during recessions. Nonetheless, blacks’ relatively slow pace of transitioning from unemployment to having a job decelerates further with economic downturns. By contrast, Hispanics’ paces of entering and exiting unemployment relative to non-Hispanic whites hardly change with local unemployment rates, despite unemployed Hispanics’ slower rate of transitioning to having a job. With respect to class origin, we find that the advantages in both unemployment entry and recovery of young men with relatively educated parents diminish with economic deterioration. Based on these results, we suggest that facing economic pressure, employers’ preference for workers of a higher class origin is more malleable than their preference for whites over blacks, making unemployed blacks especially disadvantaged in uncertain economic times. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rssm.2019.100422
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Retired Persons
Wei-hsin Yu, Ph.D.
Wei-hsin Yu Publications
Sandra Hofferth interviews Daniel Hamermesh
Comments on work-non-work balance, trends for rich-country time use, and labor market participation changes since 2000
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Seminar Series: Michelle Budig, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts
Mompreneurs or Just Women in Business? The Impacts of Public Policy, Cultural Norms, and Family Structure on Women's Entrepreneurship in 15 Countries
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Coming Up
Seminar Series: Micro-Ordeals and Preventative Health Products: Evidence on Short-Term Take-Up and Habit Formation
Vivian Hoffmann, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland
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