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The Healthy Generations Program: Improving Access to Mental Health Care
New model of integrated service delivery makes mental health services more accessible to teenaged parents
Located in Research / Selected Research
Mei-Ling Ting Lee leads new industry project
New care management model will provide patients with individualized information about projected health outcomes
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Are Indian pharmaceutical companies deliberately selling inferior medicines in African markets?
Tougher regulatory measures needed in order to improve drug safety and quality
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New Resource from the University of Maryland IRB Office
Institutional Review Board Investigator Handbook released
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The Changing Shape of the American Family
Cohen calls for tax and labor policy to catch up with changing social norms
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Sonalde Desai: Politics and India's New Young
Today's Indian youth are educated, conservative, and hungry for prosperity
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Ingmar Prucha named Distinguished University Professor
Professor Ingmar Prucha receives the University of Maryland's highest academic honor for achievements in the field of theoretical and applied econometrics
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Measuring Kinship Support for Children of Single Mothers
Sangeetha Madhavan investigates the effects of social and economic change on children's lives in Nairobi
Located in Research / Selected Research
How does interview methodology affect interviewer variance?
Frauke Kreuter compares the effectiveness of commonly-used face-to-face interview methods
Located in Research / Selected Research
Fracking and Public Health in Maryland
University of Maryland research team releases final report on the public health risks of fracking
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