Overcoming the Obstacles and Capitalizing on the Incentives for Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Environmental Justice Communities
Faculty Associate Michael Paolisso and colleagues examine how diverse communities under severe threat from climate change impacts view climate change
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Using propensity scores for causal inference with covariate measurement error
Faculty Associate Frauke Kreuter's project, an R01 funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, seeks to develop and assess new statistical methods
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Families and Inequality
Faculty Associate Philip Cohen brings sociology research to the public eye by tackling thorny issues about race, gender, family, and inequality in an online public forum.
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More Young Adults Are Financially Dependent on Parents Than 50 Years Ago
Demography article by Kahn, Goldscheider, and Garcia-Manglano examines changing family residence patterns
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Race, Gender, and Obesity: How the Social Environment Constrains or Enables Physical Activity
Faculty associate Rashawn Ray investigates the social and environmental changes needed in order to remove neighborhood barriers to regular physical exercise
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Finding Economic Solutions for America
Faculty associate Katharine Abraham brings home experience from two years serving on the White House Council of Economic Advisors
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How Does Time Use Data Illuminate Important Social Patterns?
Liana Sayer starts a new Time Use Lab at the University of Maryland
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Affordable Care for All?
Faculty associate Jerome Dugan investigates the relationship between socioeconomic status, health insurance coverage, and affordable quality care
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Race, Gender, and Educational Achievement
Odis Johnson investigates how social issues affect education
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Developing Nations: "Our Pollution is Your Consumption"
MPRC Faculty Associate Klaus Hubacek demonstrates how material consumption in rich countries is fueled by pollution and environmental destruction in the developing world
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