Philip Cohen: Statistical analysis of marriage and divorce soon to become more difficult
Questions about marriage and divorce scheduled for removal from the American Community Survey
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Pope on how majors get chosen
Natural experiment at the U.S. Military Academy provides look at student decision making
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Population neuroscience: Challenges and recommendations for researchers
Arianna Gard discusses generalizability and representation in large-scale neuroimaging datasets
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Selected Research
Positioning population studies to understand the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
Faculty Associate Sonalde Desai contributes to IUSSP panel session
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Coming Up
Problem Behaviors: Intergenerational Continuity or Resilience?
The Rochester Intergenerational Study examines patterns in behavior over three generations
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Selected Research
Profiles of caregiver racial-ethnic socialization found to promote academic engagement in Black and Latinx youth
Mia Smith-Bynum and others investigate how caregivers' responses to racial / ethnic discrimination relate to demographic characteristics and youth academic engagement
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Selected Research
Promoting Economic Recovery After COVID-19
Melissa Kearney and colleagues offer bi-partisan plan for economic recovery
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Selected Research
Public Health Researchers Win Data Contract to Study LGBTQ Health Disparities
Access to new dataset opens up research opportunities
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Selected Research
Quynh Nguyen Google Street View data to examine health effects
The built environment plays a role in traffic collisions and public safety
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Race / Ethnic Differentials in the Health Implications of Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren,
Faculty Associate Feinian Chen studies health implications for grandparents caring for grandchildren
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Selected Research