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Joseph Richardson elected to the National Academy of Medicine
Decades of rigorous science on gun violence earn Richardson this highly esteemed honor
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New JAMA paper calls for interagency data collaboration
Highlighting Marie Thoma's work on discrepancies in maternal mortality data
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Richardson co-leads UMD initiative on gun violence
PROGRESS initiative joins UMD researchers with Maryland policy makers
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Seeds of injustice: Payne-Sturges highlights the exploitation of migrant farmworkers
Op-Ed in The Baltimore Sun
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Haltiwanger interviewed for Brookings Institute Podcast
Faculty Associate John Haltiwanger appeared on the Brookings Podcast on Economic Activity to discuss his recent paper depicting a surge in new businesses.
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Steinberg investigates mental health impacts of abortion
Beyond the question of access to abortion lie the mental health impacts in cases of restricted access
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Cohen: Marriage is "rarer and more stable"
Cohen notes achievement of status as an element of contemporary marriage trends
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Labor market robust but changing
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Susan Parker honored by Catholic University of Peru
Will be welcomed as Honorary Professor of Economics
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Kearney helps clarify single-mother challenges
Single-parent homes lose more than just a second income
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