How Does Time Use Data Illuminate Important Social Patterns?
Liana Sayer starts a new Time Use Lab at the University of Maryland
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Selected Research
Double Burden for Women in Mid and Later Life: Evidence from Time Use Profiles in Cebu, Philippines
Feinian Chen, University of Maryland, et al.; 2016-008
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Working Papers
WP Documents
In Pursuing Happiness: Diary vs. General Ratings of US Subjective Well-Being
John P. Robinson and Elena Tracy, University of Maryland; Jonathan Gershuny and Teresa Harms, University of Oxford; 2015-009
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Marital Status and Mothers’ Time Use: Childcare, Housework, Leisure, and Sleep
Liana C. Sayer and Joanna R. Pepin, University of Maryland; Lynne M. Casper, University of Southern California // Keywords: time use, mother, leisure, marital status; 2015-010
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Measuring Social Well Being (SWB) in Real Time: 1975-2013 Trends in U.S. Diary SWB Ratings
John P. Robinson, University of Maryland; 2015-011
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Working Papers
WP Documents
As we Like It (Today) Americans’ Favorite Daily Activities – in Real Time
John P. Robinson, University of Maryland; 2013-024
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Sandra Hofferth, Ph.D.
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MPRC People
Expensive Childcare and Short School Days = Lower Maternal Employment and More Time in Childcare? Evidence from the American Time Use Survey
This study investigates the relationship between maternal employment and state-to-state differences in childcare cost and mean school day length. Pairing state-level measures with an individual-level sample of prime working-age mothers from the American Time Use Survey (2005–2014; n = 37,993), we assess the multilevel and time-varying effects of childcare costs and school day length on maternal full-time and part-time employment and childcare time. We find mothers’ odds of full-time employment are lower and part-time employment higher in states with expensive childcare and shorter school days. Mothers spend more time caring for children in states where childcare is more expensive and as childcare costs increase. Our results suggest that expensive childcare and short school days are important barriers to maternal employment and, for childcare costs, result in greater investments in childcare time. Politicians engaged in national debates about federal childcare policies should look to existing state childcare structures for policy guidance. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2378023119860277
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MPRC People
Liana C. Sayer, Ph.D.
Liana Sayer Publications
Analyzing the effects of food supplementation and adherence support on food insecurity, time allocation, and quality of life indices of patients on antiretroviral treatment in the Free State Province, South Africa
Alok Bhargava investigates food insecurity, quality of life, and productivity among HIV patients receiving antiretroviral treatment in South Africa
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Seed Grant Program
Seed Grants Awarded
IPUMS Time Use
Sandra Hofferth: A new suite of resources for accessing time-use data
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Research Tools Resource
Datasets and Data Development Projects