Self-rated Health and Structural Racism Indicated by County-level Racial Inequalities in Socioeconomic Status: The Role of Urbanization
Caryn N. Bell University of Maryland: Jessica L. Owens-Young American University: 2019-005
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Working Papers
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Seminar Series : Food Insecurity and SNAP Participation Among Immigrant Families During the Economic Downturn
Heather Koball, Senior Fellow, Labor, Human Services, and Population Center, Urban Institute
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Coming Up
Seminar Series: Adolescent Experiences and Adult Neighborhood Attainment
Kris Marsh, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland
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Seminar Series: Ethnomedicine and Biomedicine in Rural Senegal: Rationality and Magical Thinking
Jack Sandberg, Associate Professor, Department of Global Health, George Washington University
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Seminar Series: Individual Behavior and Population Health Disparities: The Affordances Framework for Understanding Population Disparities in Physical and Mental Health
James S. Jackson, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
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Seminar Series: Kathryn Edin, Department of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University
Fathers and Urban Poverty
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Seminar Series: Low Birthweight Among Immigrants to the United States: Cohort and Duration Effects
Julien Teitler, Associate Professor of Social Work and Sociology; Director, Social Indicators Survey Center, Columbia University
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Seminar Series: Michael Bader, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, American University
Timing, Pace, and Location of Neighborhood Racial and Ethnic Change in Large Metropolises from 1970 to 2010
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Seminar Series: Odis Johnson, Associate Professor, African American Studies
Great Equalizers or Conduits of Inequality? A Counterfactual Analysis of Year-Round and 9-Month Schooling within Neighborhood Contexts
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Seminar Series: Orphans in Tanzania: From childhood to adulthood
Kathleen Beegle, Senior Economist, Development Research Group, World Bank
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