Thoma wins honorable mention in Global Health Now challenge
Infertility in low-income countries is an Untold Health Story
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Thurka Sangaramoorthy featured in The Baltimore Sun on Maryland Crab Workers during COVID-19
This year’s crabbing season is fraught with difficult choices for the nearly all-foreign-women workers during the pandemic hit
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Tiger Mothers and Child Achievement: Do Activity Patterns explain the Achievement of Children of Immigrants?
Sandra Hofferth and U.J. Moon, University of Maryland; 2012-009
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Time Use Across the Life Course Conference
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Coming Up
Time Use Across the Life Course
2018 Conference
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Coming Up
Time Use Data Access System
Sandra Hofferth continues Time Use project to extend data "backwards through time and geographically across countries"
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Selected Research
Towards a Deeper Understanding of Female Competitiveness and the Gender Gap: Evidence from Patrilocal and Matrilocal Cultures
Kenneth Leonard, et al.; 2016-005
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Transitions to Fatherhood
Sandra Hofferth and Frances Goldscheider have just published an article entitled “Family Structure and the Transition to Early Parenthood” in Demography
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Selected Research
Trends in stratification of pre-marital childbirth
Kirsten Stoebenau and Sangeetha Madhavan examine impact of economic inequality through NICHD R03
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Selected Research
Union Instability and Children’s Behavioral Problems: A Mediation and Moderation Approach
Natasha Cabrera and Elizabeth Karberg, University of Maryland; 2014-012
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Working Papers
WP Documents