Disgust, Shame and Soapy Water: Tests of Novel Interventions to Promote Safe Water and Hygiene
Raymond Guiteras, University of Maryland, et al.; 2014-014
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Online Appendix: Disgust, Shame and Soapy Water: Tests of Novel Interventions to Promote Safe Water and Hygiene
Guiteras, et al.; 2014-014-appendix
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Supplementary Materials: Disgust, Shame and Soapy Water: Tests of Novel Interventions to Promote Safe Water and Hygiene
Guiteras, et al.
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Gaming in Air Pollution Data? Lessons from China
Ginger Zhe Jin, University of Maryland, et al.; 2013-011
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The Long-Term Effects of Early Lead Exposure: Evidence from a Case of Environmental Negligence
Sergio Urzua, University of Maryland; Tomás Rau, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Loreto Reyes, Ministry of Finance, Chile; 2013-015
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Perverse Reverse Price Competition: Average Wholesale Prices and Medicaid Pharmaceutical Spending
Judith Hellerstein, University of Maryland; Mark Duggan, University of Pennsylvania; Abby Alpert, University of California Irvine; 2013-021
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Epidemiological Paradox or Immigrant Vulnerability? Obesity Among Young Children of Immigrants
Michael S. Rendall, University of Maryland; Elizabeth Baker, University of Alabama; Margaret M. Weden, RAND Corporation; 2013-023
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Measuring and Mitigating HIV Stigma: A Framed Field Experiment
Vivian Hoffman, University of Maryland; Kent D. Messer and Jacob Fooks, University of Delaware // Keywords: HIV/AIDS, field experiment, stigma; 2012-003
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Epidemiological Paradox or Immigrant Vulnerability ? Obesity Among Young Children of Immigrants
Michael S. Rendall, University of Maryland; Elizabeth H. Baker and Margaret M. Weden, RAND Corporation; 2012-010
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Revisiting Swidler, Again: Brain, Self, and Culture in Action
Christine Bachrach, University of Maryland and Duke University; 2012-011
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