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Cutting Funding for Food Stamps is "Economically and Morally Unsound"
Washington Post Op-Ed piece makes case for retaining food stamp support
Located in News
For Low-Wage Workers, Two Incomes Are Not Much Better Than One
Kearney and Turner argue that the current tax code puts an unfair burden on low-income families with two earners
Located in News
File Troff document (with manpage macros)Do Lottery Payments Induce Savings Behavior? Evidence from the Lab
Melissa Kearney, University of Maryland, et al. // Keywords: prize linked savings, lotteries, risk preferences, Prelec weighting; 2013-013
Located in Research / Working Papers / WP Documents
Inequality and Teenage "Drop Out" Behaviors
Melissa Kearney and colleagues examine a hypothetical "desperation" effect on economically disadvantaged students through a grant funded by the Smith Richardson Foundation
Located in Research / Selected Research
Income inequality and adolescent 'drop out' behaviors
Melissa Kearney, Economics, plans to expand research into the relationship between income inequality and birth decisions by low-income women
Located in Resources / / Seed Grant Program / Seed Grants Awarded
Exploring the culture of despair
Faculty Associate Melissa Kearney and Philip B. Levine find that inequality trumps location in predicting early childbearing out of wedlock
Located in Research / Selected Research
Macroeconomic Conditions and Marital Dissolution
Faculty Associate Melissa Kearney explores marriage markets through an R03 with North Carolina State University
Located in Research / Selected Research