CAFe Speaker Series: “Equity in Public Access to Research Results; Case Study From National Agriculture Library”
CAFe Speaker Series: “Equity in Public Access to Research Results; Case Study From National Agriculture Library”
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Coming Up
Jessica Fish Talk on "The Paradox of Social Progress for LGBTQ+ Youth and the Untapped Potential of Family"
The Sociology Department presents: The Paradox of Social Progress for LGBTQ+ Youth and the Untapped Potential of Family
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Lauren Porter Talk on "Perception vs. Action: Understanding the Link between Collective Efficacy and Informal Control"
The Sociology Department and Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice present: Perception vs. Action: Understanding the Link between Collective Efficacy and Informal Control
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Coming Up
Annual William Form Lecture with Michelle Smirnova
The Sociology Department presents: The Prescription-to-Prison Pipeline: Medicalization and Criminalization of Pain
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Karabelle Pizzigati Initiative Lunch and Learn: Child Well-being with Dr. LaShawnda Kilgore from the Children's Defense Fund
The School of Public Policy presents: Karabelle Pizzigati Initiative Lunch and Learn: Child Well-being with Dr. LaShawnda Kilgore from the Children's Defense Fund
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Coming Up
Building Narrative Power for Racial and Social Justice with Richard Hofrichter, Ph.D., M.A.
School of Public Health presents: Building Narrative Power for Racial and Social Justice with Richard Hofrichter, Ph.D., M.A.
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Coming Up
EdDem Network: webinar with Rob Warren on EdSHARe
The EdDem Network is hosting a Webinar with Rob Warren, "EdSHARe: Repurposing Two Large, Representative, and Diverse Education Cohort Studies for Research on How Education Shapes Later-Life Health and Cognition"
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Family Science: Brown Bag series with Dr. Augusto Lopez Claros
Family Science: Brown Bag series with Dr. Augusto Lopez Claros, "Global Income Inequality: Impacts on Families and Communities"
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Econ Seminar : Janice Eberly, Kellogg School of Management
Investing in Innovation: Models and Measurement with Intangible Capital
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Econ Seminar : Barbara Biasi, Yale University
What Works and For Whom? Effectiveness and Efficiency of School Capital Investments Across The U.S.
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