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Parenting in a Time Crunch
When time is more valuable, busy moms and dads devote more of it to their children
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Parker on Mexico's redirection of Conditional Cash Transfer program
The Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program has proven to be a successful aid to reduce poverty.
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Partha Lahiri appointed president-elect of IASS
Will serve on International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS) executive committee through 2027
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Paying for higher education
12 percent of federal Pell Grant aid is not going to students, Turner says
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Payne-Sturges calls for cumulative impact assessments in Michigan
Health focused pollution regulations could protect Michiganders' health
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Payne-Sturges to lead study of structural racism effects on farmworkers
NIH $3.7 million interdisciplinary grant will focus on residential air quality, state policies and legal protections
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Philip Cohen appears in radio panel discussion
Are women becoming the dominant gender?
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Philip Cohen cited in health policy and public response for COVID
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Philip Cohen comments on Americans' dropping divorce rate on NPR
Divorce has become more acceptable, less stigmatized, but also less common
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Philip Cohen comments on American's new marriage trend in NBC News
Social media adds to the pressure of a perfect marriage
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