JPSM Distinguished Lecture
The Past, Present, and Future of Social Surveys
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JPSM Distinguished Lecturer 2023, Nancy Bates
Measuring Sexual and Gender Minorities in the Federal Statistical System: Are We There Yet?
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JPSM Seminar Series
Sentiment Analysis from Social Media Data by Machine Learning Methods with Dr. Amita Pal, Indian Statistical Institute
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JPSM Seminar Series
Why Machines Matter for Social Science and Survey Research
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JPSM Seminar Series
"Sequential Imputation with Integrated Method Selection: A Novel Approach to Missing Value Imputation in High-Dimensional (Survey) Data"
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JPSM Seminar Series - Brady West
How non-ignorable is the selection bias in non-probability samples? An illustration of new measures using a large genetic study on Facebook
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JPSM Seminar Series - Brian Kim, JPSM
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JPSM Seminar Series - Christoph Kern, JPSM Visiting Assistant Professor from the University of Mannheim
"Predicting Panel Nonresponse with Machine Learning in a Longitudinal Framework."
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JPSM Seminar Series - Frauke Kreuter
Passive Data Collection with an App: The IAB-SMART Study
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JPSM Seminar Series - With Katharine Abraham
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