Rashawn Ray Interviewed in Relation to the Trayvon Martin Case
Long history of distrust of police and the legal system among black communities may have contributed to Rachel Jeantel's attitude on the witness stand at the Zimmerman trial
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Seminar Series: Treating Culture: The Making of HIV / AIDS Experts and Communities
Thurka Sangaramoorthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland
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Coming Up
Seminar Series: The Genomic Revolution and Beliefs About Essential Racial Differences: A Backdoor to Eugenics?
Jo C. Phelan, Associate Professor, Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Columbia University
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Coming Up
Racial-Ethnic Differences in Children’s Activity Patterns: Class, Capital and Cultural Explanations
Sandra Hofferth, University of Maryland; U.J. Moon, Lyndonville State College // Keywords: extracurricular activities, ethnic minorities, socioeconomic status, social capital, culture, children; 2013-006
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Race-Gender Inequality across Residential and School Contexts: What can Federal Policy Do?
Odis Johnson Jr., University of Maryland; 2013-005
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Working Papers
WP Documents
The Nuances of Blackness: Race, Complexion and Mental Health
Verna M. Keith, Professor, Department of Sociology, Texas A & M University
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Coming Up