Gender&Family Brownbag: For the Family: How Class and Gender Shape Women's Work
Sarah Damaske, Penn State
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Coming Up
Gender&Family Brownbag: Accounting for (Lack of) Involvement: Reasons for Fathers' Level of Involvement with Children in Parents' Magazine, 1926-2006
Kathleen Denny, Shanna Brewton-Tiayon, Lucia Lykke and Melissa Milkie, University of Maryland
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Seminar Series: Polygyny, Partnership Concurrency and HIV transmission in Sub Saharan Africa
Georges Reniers, Assistant Professor, Office of Population Research, Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs, Department of Sociology, Princeton University
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Seminar Series: How Does Mothers' Time with Children Matter?
Melissa A. Milkie, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland
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Department of Sociology Seminar: "China's Marriage Market and Upcoming Challenges for Elderly Men"
Monica DasGupta, World Bank
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Department of Sociology Seminar: "Government by Experiment? Responding to Climate Change in Global Cities"
Harriet Bulkeley, Department of Geography, Durham University, Center for Society and Environment Workshop Series.
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Department of Sociology Seminar: "The International Politics of Resource Over Consumption"
Stacy D. VanDeveer, Department of Political Science, University of New Hampshire, Center for Society and Environment Workshop Series
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Gender&Family Brownbag: Recession and Divorce in the United States: Economic Conditions and the Odds of Divorce, 2007-2009
Faculty Associate Philip Cohen speaks
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Department of Sociology Seminar: "Long Term Social Ecological Research in the Baltimore Ecosystem Study: examples of advances in theory, methods, and applications"
Morgan Groves, Research Forester, US Forest Service, Center for Society and Environment Workshop Series
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Coming Up
Kris Marsh to appear on CNN Dialogues forum panel
CNN, James Weldon Johnson Institute of Emory University, and National Center for Civil and Human Rights host panel discussion
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