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Anne Pebley, UCLA
Is occupational stratification responsible for social inequality in old age disability in Mexico?
Located in Coming Up
Kirsten Stoebenau, Behavioral & Community Health
"Come, we try" - A qualitative study of changing marital practices in low-income settings in Eastern Africa and the implications for maternal and child health
Located in Coming Up
Caryn Bell, African American Studies
Structural Racism and Population Health
Located in Coming Up
Stephane Helleringer, Johns Hopkins
The potential of computer vision tools for improving demographic measurement in low-income countries
Located in Coming Up
Lauren Porter, Criminology and Criminal Justice
Challenges in the Continuity of Care among Formerly Incarcerated Persons with HIV or HCV
Located in Coming Up
Seminar: Maria Khan - New York University
Effects of Policing and Detainment on Psychosocial Vulnerability and Drug and Sex Risk among Minority Men who have Sex with Men
Located in Coming Up
Seminar: Julia Burdick-Will - Johns Hopkins University
Structured Instability: School Mobility in Baltimore City and its Inner Suburb
Located in Coming Up
Seminar: Andrew Foster - Brown University
Household Recombination, Retrospective Evaluation and Educational Mobility over 40 years
Located in Coming Up
Seminar: Lloyd Grieger - Yale University
A Place at the Top: Trends in Access to the Highest Income and Earnings Positions in the United States
Located in Coming Up
Seminar: Carrie Shandra - State University of New York at Stony Brook
The New Bottom Rung: Internships, Inequality, and the College to Career Transition
Located in Coming Up